Whenever #depleted #uranium (#DP) #ammunition is used, it leaves chemically and radiologically toxic residues.
Says #UNEP, the #UN's Environmental Programme.
See their flyer here:
Using such ammunition on your own territory is basically an indirect warfare against yourself, with severe long-term consequences, without any chance of "cleaning up", afterwards.
#depleted #uranium #dp #ammunition #unep #un #UkraineWillPrevail #RussiaIsATerroristState
4,1 millions d’hectares de forêt tropicale abattus en 2022, 10% de plus qu’en 2021
Inger Andersen, la directrice générale de l’ #UNEP, a estimé qu’il est important de soutenir les territoires qui abritent des forêts tropicale et de payer un prix adapté, un prix qui « reflète la vraie valeur des forêts, qui reflète le coût réel des émissions et qui est assez élevé pour encourager les vendeurs à protéger les forêts encore sur pied. »
How can we reduce plastic pollution? Some tips from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) on reducing plastic waste and protecting the environment. Using reusable bags, bottles and containers, avoiding single-use plastics, recycling properly, joining clean-up campaigns and supporting policies that promote a circular economy. We need to change our consumption patterns and demand more sustainable products. #PlasticPollution #UNEP #CircularEconomy https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/06/reduce-plastic-pollution-unep/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=HariTulsidas%2Fmagazine%2FArchetypes
#plasticpollution #unep #circulareconomy
Twenty years ago: Lucire becomes UN Environment’s first fashion industry partner
#Lucire #UNEP #environment #ecofashion #fashion #mode #moda #anniversary #SummerRayneOakes #modelling
#lucire #unep #environment #ecofashion #fashion #mode #moda #anniversary #summerrayneoakes #modelling
Twenty years ago, we began our partnership with UN Environment Programme to promote sustainable #fashion. Not everyone understood why back then—we hope it’s obvious now!
https://press.un.org/en/2003/unep154.doc.htm #UNEP #Lucire #sustainability #ecofashion #mode #moda
#fashion #unep #lucire #sustainability #ecofashion #mode #moda
UNEP veröffentlicht 17-Jahres-Plan zur Reduzierung der Plastikverschmutzung um 80%
Eine neue Studie des UN-Umweltprogramms #UNEP zeigt, dass eine Reduktion des Plastikmülls um 80 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2040 möglich wäre. Dafür sind Veränderungen in der Produktion, Nutzung und Entsorgung von Kunststoffen erforderlich.
#GoodNews #Agenda2030 #LebenAnLand #LebenImMeer #Plastik #Recycling #Umweltschutz #MakeADifference
#unep #goodnews #agenda2030 #lebenanland #lebenimmeer #Plastik #recycling #Umweltschutz #MakeADifference
UNEP veröffentlicht 17-Jahres-Plan zur Reduzierung der Plastikverschmutzung um 80%
Eine neue Studie des UN-Umweltprogramms #UNEP zeigt, dass eine Reduktion des Plastikmülls um 80 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2040 möglich wäre. Dafür sind Veränderungen in der Produktion, Nutzung und Entsorgung von Kunststoffen erforderlich.
#GoodNews #Agenda2030 #LebenAnLand #LebenImMeer #Plastik #Recycling #Umweltschutz #MakeADifference
#unep #goodnews #agenda2030 #lebenanland #lebenimmeer #Plastik #recycling #umweltschutz #makeadifference
UNEP veröffentlicht 17-Jahres-Plan zur Reduzierung der Plastikverschmutzung um 80%
Eine neue Studie des UN-Umweltprogramms #UNEP zeigt, dass eine Reduktion des Plastikmülls um 80 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2040 möglich wäre. Dafür sind Veränderungen in der Produktion, Nutzung und Entsorgung von Kunststoffen erforderlich.
#GoodNews #Agenda2030 #LebenAnLand #LebenImMeer #Plastik #Recycling #Umweltschutz #MakeADifference
#unep #goodnews #agenda2030 #lebenanland #lebenimmeer #plastik #recycling #umweltschutz #makeadifference
UNEP veröffentlicht 17-Jahres-Plan zur Reduzierung der Plastikverschmutzung um 80%
Eine neue Studie des UN-Umweltprogramms #UNEP zeigt, dass eine Reduktion des Plastikmülls um 80 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2040 möglich wäre. Dafür sind Veränderungen in der Produktion, Nutzung und Entsorgung von Kunststoffen erforderlich.
#GoodNews #Agenda2030 #LebenAnLand #LebenImMeer #Plastik #Recycling #Umweltschutz #MakeADifference
#makeadifference #umweltschutz #recycling #plastik #lebenimmeer #lebenanland #agenda2030 #goodnews #unep
Happy to be back to the advisory meeting of #unep #eurobats. Lots of things to resolve to protect a highly vulnerable taxon, namely bats. For example, unregulated erection and operation of wind turbines across #Europe. Thousands of #bats collide with and die at wind turbines in Europe. We lose important ecosystem players, which adds to the biodiversity crisis. We need to do better and curtail the operation of turbines at times of high bat activity.
“Komm’ wir knipsen die Sonne aus” (Solar Radiation Modification): Wenn die Klimakultisten nicht gestoppt werden, dann wird es dunkel auf der Erde https://sciencefiles.org/2023/03/27/komm-wir-knipsen-die-sonne-aus-solar-radiation-modification-wenn-die-klimakultisten-nicht-gestoppt-werden-dann-wird-es-dunkel-auf-der-erde/ #AnthropogenerKlimawandel #OneAtmosphere #Klimawandel #Klimakult #Hysterie #UNEP #COP
#cop #unep #hysterie #klimakult #klimawandel #oneatmosphere #anthropogenerklimawandel
Did you know that the average human adult inhales and ingests about 163,000 microplastic particles per year?
Research indicates that human exposure to microplastics has reached our internal organs, including our lungs and liver.
Learn more via #unep👇
#plastic #climatechange #Nature #climate #development #gasemissions #ClimateEmergency #climatejustice #climatecrisis #wildlife #ClimateAction
#photo #photography #plasticfree #lungs #microplastics #microplastic #earth
#Earth #microplastic #microPlastics #lungs #plasticfree #Photography #Photo #ClimateAction #WildLife #ClimateCrisis #climatejustice #ClimateEmergency #gasemissions #Development #Climate #Nature #ClimateChange #plastic #unep
The United Nations #UN Environment Programme (#UNEP) convened a multidisciplinary expert panel to undertake a rapid review of the state of scientific research on #SolarRadiation #Modification (SRM) URI - One Atmosphere: An independent expert review on #SolarRadiation Modification research and deployment https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/41903/one_atmosphere.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y #ClimateCrisis #governance #risk #CO2 #carbondioxide #air #water
#UN #unep #solarradiation #modification #ClimateCrisis #governance #risk #co2 #carbondioxide #air #water
A Good Night #Petition .
The High Seas Treaty Petition goes to #UN on Monday. Sign it diligently!
Boosts welcome!
Credit: Shawn Heinrichs, #UNEP Ambassador
#HighSeas #HighSeasTreaty #Shark #SharkConservation #Conservation #Whales #WhalesConservation #Dolphins #SeaBirds #ProtectTheOcean #ShawnHeinrichs #UNEP
#petition #un #unep #highseas #highseastreaty #shark #sharkconservation #conservation #whales #whalesconservation #dolphins #seabirds #protecttheocean #shawnheinrichs
Inger Andersen, UNEP: "Solutions to the triple planetary crisis exist. One way to help put them into action is by pushing decision makers –leaders at all levels, corporations, colleagues, friends, family & more – to #ActNow on what matters.
Some tips from #UNEP are here." #ClimateAction https://www.unep.org/interactives/things-you-can-do-climate-emergency/
#unep: Good news as 2023 gets underway: scientific panel reports that #ozone layer is on track to recover within four decades: https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/ozone-layer-recovery-track-helping-avoid-global-warming-05degc
RT @IISD_ENB@twitter.com
UN Secretary-General @AntonioGuterres@twitter.com today announced the appointment of Elizabeth Mrema (@mremae@twitter.com) as Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (@UNEP@twitter.com)
Last week I was at #COP15 for #CanadianGeographic. Did a whack of interviews, saw a whack of sessions. Wrote this when I got home — a look at what the early implementation of the new Global #Biodiversity Framework might look like on the ground here at home. #UNEP https://canadiangeographic.ca/articles/the-promise-of-cop15/
#unep #biodiversity #canadiangeographic #COP15
Last week I was at #COP15 for #CanadianGeographic. Did a whack of interviews, saw a whack of sessions. Wrote this when I got home — a look at what the early implementation of the new Global #Biodiversity Framework might look like on the ground here at home. #UNEP https://canadiangeographic.ca/articles/the-promise-of-cop15/
#unep #biodiversity #canadiangeographic #COP15
#cop15 #sealegacy #unep #30x30