Didn't #PredatoryPricing used to be illegal? #unfairbusinesspractices
Isn't it still? If not, why not?
#unfairbusinesspractices #PredatoryPricing
Operating at a loss to dominate markets used to be considered #UnfairBusinessPractices, and used to be illegal
This suit seems like an abuse of rights. Where were their parents when they “were secretly filmed in the nude?” Why did they not file any lawsuits on behalf of their children? Why these actors did nothing in all those years to cease and desist the showing of nude scenes?...
#lawsuit #abuseofrights #californiachildvictimsact #sexualharassment #fraud #childhoodsexualabuse #appropriationofnameandlikeness #intentionalinflictionofemotionaldistress #negligence #unfairbusinesspractices
#lawsuit #abuseofrights #californiachildvictimsact #sexualharassment #fraud #childhoodsexualabuse #appropriationofnameandlikeness #intentionalinflictionofemotionaldistress #negligence #unfairbusinesspractices