Harlan Crow (rich guy bribing Clarence Thomas) is also financially backing the No Labels crap.
#UnfetteredCapitalism #ABoringDystopia #Corruption #EnlightenedCentrism
#unfetteredcapitalism #aboringdystopia #corruption #enlightenedcentrism
I found this mess along US1 14 miles east of Key West. Humans do not deserve to live here. #EnvironmentalPollution #BanPlastic #banstyrofoam #keepitintheground #unfetteredcapitalism
#environmentalpollution #banplastic #banstyrofoam #keepitintheground #unfetteredcapitalism
@IAmNurseTrish Don’t forget the corrupt politicians of both major parties that benefit from corporate capitalist greed. #greed #unfetteredcapitalism #itstheguns
#greed #unfetteredcapitalism #itstheguns
Ban single use plastic worldwide. #plastic #plasticpollution #SaveOurOceans #unfetteredcapitalism
#plastic #plasticpollution #saveouroceans #unfetteredcapitalism
My girlfriend is on the phone arguing with her medical “insurance” company about an $845 co-pay for a prescribed medication. #unfetteredcapitalism #corporategreed #corporatewelfare #richpeoplesuck #merica
#unfetteredcapitalism #corporategreed #corporatewelfare #richpeoplesuck #merica
@HelenGraham I favor a worldwide ban on single use plastics. If it can’t be reused it should not exist. Recycling is apparently not profitable. #greed #corruption #unfetteredcapitalism
#greed #corruption #unfetteredcapitalism
And 3M? how will they be held accountable and by whom?