@nicholasr How did Xi & his empire get f**king rich?

Not because trade with Russia & India was so profitable, but because the free western world bought & is still buying all of China's stuff, and voluntarily handed them the necessary knowhow to start copying western products & selling them to the west at dirt cheap prices, no matter the conditions under which products are made in Xi's empire, like slave labor in Chinese concentration camps & prisons.
So Xi's walking on a pretty unsafe tight rope, when cozying up to aggressor Putin while at the same time greedily peering hard at Chinese exports to the free western world.

#standwithfreedom #standwithhumanity #StandWithUkraine #unitednations #us #eu #xiputin #unholyalliance #PutinsWar #warofaggression #warcrimes #crimesagainstpeace #crimesagainsthumanity #FreeRussia #putintribunal

Last updated 1 year ago