Von dem schweren #Erdbeben in #Marokko sind nach ersten Informationen des #UNO-Kinderhilfswerks (#UNICEF) etwa 100.000 #Kinder betroffen. Man kenne zwar noch nicht die genaue Zahl der getöteten und verletzten Kinder, erklärte die Organisation am Dienstag in einer Mitteilung. Kinder machten aber nach jüngsten Schätzungen von 2022 fast ein Drittel der Bevölkerung des Landes aus. https://orf.at/stories/3330854/
#kinder #unicef #uno #marokko #Erdbeben
Millions of UK parents struggle with mental health, survey suggests | Parents and parenting | The Guardian
#mentalhealth #mh #parents #costoflivingcrisis #ChildcareCrisis #unicef #yougov #safeguarding
UNICEF: Only third of #Ukraine children can attend schools in person
Some Ukrainian children are facing their fourth year of online schooling ahead of the start of the new school year on Sep 1
Education in Ukraine was first disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic and then the full-scale war
About half of Ukrainian teachers believe there has been a decline in the language, reading, and mathematics skills of their students since then, according to #UNICEF
Read more here🔗 https://www.unicef.org/ukraine/en/stories/second-year-of-online-schooling-for-ukraines-young-students
Der UN-Kinderrechtsausschuss veröffentlicht Leitlinie zur Umsetzung des Kinderrechts auf eine gesunde Umwelt
Sie "gibt Staaten einen verpflichtenden Fahrplan an die Hand, den Planeten so zu erhalten, dass Kinder heute und morgen in einer intakten Umgebung aufwachsen. Entscheidend ist dabei, dass ihre Perspektiven künftig in jede umweltpolitische Entscheidung einfließen.“
#Kinderrechte #Klimagerechtigkeit #Mitweltschutz #Klimaschutz #Unicef
#kinderrechte #klimagerechtigkeit #Mitweltschutz #klimaschutz #unicef
#Unicef: terribile attacco a #Chernihiv, proteggere civili e bambini
"Gli attacchi devono cessare. I bambini devono essere protetti. A questo Paese deve essere data la possibilità di #pace e ai suoi #bambini la possibilità di un futuro. Ancora una volta, chiediamo a tutte le parti di proteggere i #civili e le infrastrutture civili e di rispettare gli obblighi legali e morali di tenere i bambini fuori dalla linea di fuoco.
#ucraina #unicef #Chernihiv #PACE #bambini #civili
Ukrainian schoolchildren to take mine safety courses
Ukraine's Education Ministry is developing a course in cooperation with #UNICEF on mine safety for Ukrainian schoolchildren, one that will become a mandatory part of the curriculum
"Education should give a child useful knowledge and skills. Unfortunately, now and for a long time to come, mine safety knowledge and skills will be extremely relevant in #Ukraine " Education Minister Oksen Lisovy said.
Read more here🔗 https://kyivindependent.com/ukrainian-children-to-take-mine-safety-courses/
#Unicef: "1640 bimbi morti e feriti finora, ma sono di più"
"Da giorni denunciamo la morte di bambini vittime del conflitto in #Ucraina. Se i dati di oggi venissero confermati sarebbero in linea con quelli da noi evidenziati in questo periodo, ossia di oltre 500 #bambini uccisi e 1.117 feriti per un totale di 1.654 bambini colpiti. Queste sono solo le segnalazioni che l'#Onu è stato in grado di verificare perché il vero numero delle #vittime fra i bambini è probabilmente molto più alto.Rainews
#unicef #ucraina #bambini #onu #vittime
I will say, as we get more #BlueCollar trade workers on here, as opposed to people whose primary interest is tech/furry/LGBTQ #content, I think we will see more reason to have actual interest: I can totally see #Fastenal making an account that gets shared by various people in construction and fabrication.
I also think that non-profits, especially ones which either put out media or do impressive charity work, could have a massive presence on here. Imagine a Mastodon where 90% of the large orgs you see money-seeking posts from are trying to care for animals or mitigate poverty or whatever. I also think, because people are more likely to share positive content, despite being more likely to respond to negative content, this marketing will be positive.
Imagine #ASPCA ads with happily rescued pets, instead of crying abused ones, or #UNICEF ads with smiling children eating food.
That's a culture I'd prefer to live in.
#bluecollar #content #fastenal #aspca #unicef
#UNICEF: Mehr Frauen und #Kinder in Haiti entführt https://orf.at/stories/3326742/
Kidnappings of #Children and #Women Spiking at Alarming Rates in #Haiti
'Close to 300 cases have been reported so far this year, nearly the total number registered for all of 2022, and three times more than 2021
The overall situation in Haiti is catastrophic. Today, an estimated 5.2 million people, or close to half of the entire population, require humanitarian assistance, including almost three million children.' #UNICEF
#children #women #haiti #unicef #humanrights
#UNICEF: 460 Millionen #Kinder in Südasien von Hitze bedroht https://orf.at/stories/3326624/ #Umwelt
UN: #Stillen am Arbeitsplatz nutzt auch Unternehmen
> Genf – Zur Weltstillwoche haben das UN-Kinderhilfswerk Unicef und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO eine stärkere Förderung von Stillen am Arbeitsplatz... #Weltstillwoche #WHO #Unicef
#unicef #who #Weltstillwoche #stillen
Jedes zweite #Kind in Europa und Zentralasien erlebt oft #Hitzewellen
> Genf – Die Hälfte der Kinder und Jugendlichen in Europa und Zentralasien sind nach Angaben des UN-Kinderhilfswerks #Unicef häufigen Hitzewellen ausgesetzt. Das...
Stage 5 of TdFF2023 is underway with about 10.5km completed so far, 116km to go. Meanwhile #SBSTdF still has no live broadcast. Sigh.
Dad is ignoring us. He is on the computer reading a new #UNICEF report on Protecting children from the escalating impacts of #heatwaves while we relax in his favourite chair on the #CouchPeloton
#sbstdf #unicef #heatwaves #couchpeloton
Many people in Europe, including people about to jet off to Mediterranean beaches for their summer holidays, seem oblivious to the daily tragedies unfolding in the same waters, a senior UN official has said.
It comes as the United Nations said some 289 children are known to have died in the first half of 2023 while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.
#Europe #UN #UNICEF #Mediterranean #Migrants #Refugees #PeopleSmuggling
#peoplesmuggling #Refugees #Migrants #mediterranean #unicef #un #Europe
🔴 Almeno 289 #bambini sono morti in mare nei primi sei mesi di quest'anno mentre tentavano di raggiungere l'#Europa, secondo l'#UNICEF
#bambini #Europa #unicef #migranti
"People in Europe are oblivious to migrant deaths"
289 children are known to have died in the first half of 2023 while trying to cross the #Mediterranean Sea. The majority of them were unaccompanied or got separated, and had travelled for many dangerous months to reach the shores of #Libya or #Tunisia
#SafePassage #refugees #AsylumSeekers #EU #migration #unicef #UN
#mediterranean #libya #tunisia #safepassage #refugees #asylumseekers #eu #migration #unicef #un
Incredibly sad and a disgrace for Europe:
According to #unicef , at least 289 children are estimated to have died or disappeared this year attempting to cross the #centralMediterranean from North Africa to #europe , twice as much as in the same period last year.
#unicef #centralMediterranean #europe #LeaveNoOneToDie #withrefugees
Immer mehr Kinder sterben bei Flucht übers Mittelmeer
Fast 300 Kinder und Jugendliche sind laut UN-Angaben in diesem Jahr bei der Flucht über das Mittelmeer gestorben. Das sind doppelt so viele wie im Vorjahreszeitraum - und die Dunkelziffer ist hoch.
#unicef #fluchtlinge #kinder #mittelmeer