I finally did it. I spilled an entire cup of tea on my "New Model M" keyboard from Unicomp. As expected, the liquid drained out the front of the keyboard, and the keyboard continues to function perfectly. Damn, this is a good keyboard.
#keyboard #spill #unicomp #ModelM
#keyboard #spill #unicomp #modelm
@ActionRetro an #eMachines #Rubberdome?
C'mon man, you can afford yourself a #Unicomp #PC122 with PS/2 and have a real 100% Keyboard!
#pc122 #unicomp #rubberdome #eMachines
@arialdo I mayself would want a 122-key "100%" Keyboard with an #UltraNav, but sadly #Unicomp discontinued the #Performa, #Lenovo does advanced #enshittification on the #UltraNav-Keyboards and besides the Pc122 for #Unicomp there are hardly any 122-key keyboards so I'm propably required to #DIY a nice board myself...
And I call that "Big Chungus" and would most likely forst customize a PC-122 ...
#DIY #enshittification #Lenovo #Performa #unicomp #ultranav
@kingu you can still get it from #Unicomp!
And I'd really want one again...
@amelia @fuchsiii One thing that I considered was to get a regular #Unicomp #PC122 [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjp8Xw3oGaQ ] and try to shove a #CM4 inside [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6TgVDCAcN0 ]...
Kinda like a @Raspberry_Pi #Pi400 [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h86D_6yh1nk ] but better by fanning out #PCIe + USB 2.0 with a #MiniPCIe or better #ExpressCard slot for expansions...
#ExpressCard #MiniPCIe #pcie #Pi400 #cm4 #pc122 #unicomp
Espechally since the #EnduraPro seems to be out of production at #Unicomp:
The first of my new wiki pages is now live - #Unicomp Mini Model M!
@edv_nachrichten Also quasi wie das Überziehkondom für die #ModelM von #Unicomp (ehem. #IBM)...
@Raspberry_Pi maybe then there will be #Pi400+ using a #CM4 socket supporting CL4 & #CM4Lite compatible SBCs.
Personally I thought about getting a #CM4LiteW8GB with a feckton of accessories into a modded #Unicomp #PC122 case to make it a #C64Maxi / #Amiga500 - alike "breadbin" PC...
Cuz that would be cool...
#amiga500 #c64maxi #pc122 #unicomp #cm4litew8gb #cm4lite #cm4 #Pi400
@angiebaby noice!
I've not come around buying a #C64maxi, as I would've loved to instead build myself a "#Pi485" [ #RaspberryPi #CM4 8GBLiteW in a #Unicomp #PC122 Keyboard case with all the I/O made useable]...
#pc122 #unicomp #cm4 #RaspberryPi #pi485 #c64maxi
@nelamvr6 @lucifargundam I had a #unicomp as well as a #IBM #ModelM... Both were given to friends a long time ago. Got tired of cherry things, so switched to #Matias #ALPS, which I do really like.. then got the buckling spring itch (again). The unicomp 'New Model M' really is nice to use. It's a lot smoother than how I remember my ooold unicomp was.
#unicomp #ibm #modelm #matias #Alps
@nelamvr6 @lucifargundam ah, the before times.. lucky you indeed! I recently got a new job, and told myself that when i get my first paycheck, I'd treat myself to an old indulgence.. #unicomp
Also, shipping is a pain in the butt :(
Yup, there's the #Unicomp clone. I do own the original one, but it needs a bit of cleaning because a couple of keys don't work. 😭
@cooper I like to annoy people with Filco (got many variants), or Das Keyboard Ultimate (also cherry blue), but they don't compare to #unicomp (or Model-M) in sheer clicky pleasure. No mechanical keyboard without dampening is quiet, but #unicomp is the most pleasurable to me.