Riddhe Marcenas can eat a butt, we're Marida Cruz fans in this colony.
(RG Banshee, mostly stock with some painted metallic highlights, P Bandai Armed Armor VN/BS set, Delpi holo decals)
#gunpla #unicorngundam #banshee
On a roll this afternoon - got the PG Unicorn transformed into NT-D mode (which was a little dicey), LED harnesses reconnected, and placed in the tall shelf of the Gundam cabinet.
#gunpla #mobilesuitgundam #unicorngundam
Holy shit, the weather's good GET THE FLAT COAT
#gunpla #mobilesuitgundam #unicorngundam #zetaGundam #nausicaa
Out sick for a couple days, and for a thing to concentrate on I knocked out this RGM-96X Jesta Cannon - still needs decals and flat coat but all in all a nice model and a solid build!
Yellow glow courtesy of GundamLED.
(Except for the RG-type cast-as-articulation hands. They're kinda crap, can't make a proper beam saber grip)
#gunpla #unicorngundam #mobilesuitgundam
tokumeiAsan RT @FabrizioGunjap: Unicorn Gundam x F1
There are three pics here➡️
#ガンダム #Gundam #F1 #artworks #unicorngundam #ユニコーンガンダム https://t.co/CxIXffggph https://twitter.com/tokumeiAsan/status/1636361243941552130
#ガンダム #GUNDAM #f1 #artworks #unicorngundam #ユニコーンガンダム