If you are not up to date with the state of chat and VoIP in the #fediverse here is your chance to get a 45 minutes deep dive on #Matrix worth watching: https://ftp.fau.de/fosdem/2023/Janson/matrix20.webm
#JetpackCompose #SwiftUI #Rust #Go #UniFFI #MatrixRTC interoperable conferencing #Waterfall #DMA #P2PoverBLE #ThirdRoom #WebXR #WASM
#dma #p2poverble #thirdroom #fediverse #matrix #jetpackcompose #swiftui #rust #go #uniffi #matrixrtc #waterfall #webxr #wasm
Use Rust async functions and methods in Swift, Kotlin and Python, https://github.com/mozilla/uniffi-rs/pull/1409.
It's ready! Large PR, sorry for the reviewers.
#RustLang #kotlin #SwiftLang #future #async #uniffi #bindgen
#rustlang #kotlin #swiftlang #future #async #uniffi #bindgen
Oh, a Rust Future being awaited in Swift. How nice it is :-).
More to come.
Rust async functions to Python over FFI ✅
Now let’s target Swift ⏳.
#uniffi #rustlang #python #swiftlang