The new MicroG has "updated" how it does location.
Major change if you tried to use entirely offline location, as I did (Using onboard gps, wifi and cell data). It now all runs through Mozilla.
#unifiednlp #microg #eos #fairphone
Additionally, setting up Local GSM to have accurate (hopefully) database, I discovered that the database it auto downloads from years out of date.
However there's a slightly updated version, linked below, as seen in the issue below. It too is kinda old but 🤷
#MicroG #unifiednlp #FDroid #Android
This is one of the most niche location providers you could possibly make, it's incredible. Using train wifi as a location provider for your phone.
I hope it works, not in a place to ever find out tbh.
Sorunome / Trains UnifiedNLP · GitLab
@matt #MozillaLocationServices together with opencellID for #MicroG #UnifiedNlp, but its not a service but more of a Database:
#MozillaLocationServices #microg #unifiednlp
📬microG: Android ohne Google – ein Interview mit dem Entwickler📬 #Interviews #UnifiedNlp #GsfProxy #Phonesky #Android #GmsCore #mapsv1 #microg
#interviews #unifiednlp #GsfProxy #Phonesky #android #GmsCore #mapsv1 #microg
📬microG: Android without Google – an interview with the developer📬 #Interviews #UnifiedNlp #GsfProxy #Phonesky #Android #GmsCore #mapsv1 #microg
#microg #interviews #unifiednlp #GsfProxy #android #GmsCore #Phonesky #mapsv1
So I upgraded to #LineageOS for MicroG to make use of energy saving #UnifiedNLP Location provider with #MLS and #OpenStreetMap
#lineageos #unifiednlp #mls #openstreetmap
Est ce que quelqu'un a réussi à faire fonctionner #UnifiedNlp sur #LineageOS 15.1 sans #Google apps ni #microG ?
Je suis bloqué au stade où UnifiedNlp indique ne pas être "registered in system".
De ce que je comprends, il faudrait que l'application soit une application système mais c'est tout.
#unifiednlp #lineageos #google #microg #android