Fantasy #TTRPG people, I need your help. I'm designing a TTRPG called #UnifiedRPG which is similar to #GURPS but simpler, and skill-based rather than class-based.
So, I've now I'm starting to design the skill tree, specifically the part for ranger-type characters. So my question to you is - what makes a ranger fun to play? Archery? Two-weapon fighting? Running and jumping from treetop to treetop? Nature-based spells? Connection to animals? Animal companions? Something else?
As part of designing #UnifiedRPG, my own #TTRPG, I had to learn how to use #Scribus in order to make a character sheet. For a first (incomplete) attempt, I'm really pleased with the result. Wooden sign design by
I'm making a #TTRPG called #UnifiedRPG, and now I'm considering giving it the unofficial tag line "Rules-lite GURPS-like". I couldn't have that as an official tag line because that probably breaks trademark laws, though.
I think the tag line works on people who want to play #GURPS but are scared off by its complicated character creation process. What do you think?
@thoughtpunks I'm going to keep working on my #TTRPG23 project, #UnifiedRPG. I realized that since I love writing little rule systems for #TTRPGs, I night as well write a bunch of them that fits together into their own little #TTRPG.
#ttrpg23 #unifiedrpg #ttrpgs #ttrpg
Today's #TTRPGDiscussion: How do you integrate emotions into the setting of a #TTRPG?
When designing factions for #UnifiedRPG, I realized that they were pretty bland. I needed to add emotions to them. For example, the religion which heals those in need - but only if they can pay. Or, the mage guild which scorns everybody who's not from the city. Or, the religion of Kindness. My hope is that players will react emotionally (to some degree) to these things.
#ttrpgdiscussion #ttrpg #unifiedrpg
With my #SoloRPG campaign, I'm going a step further by even making my own #TTRPG, called #UnifiedRPG. It's similar to #GURPS in a lot of ways, in that it supports any genre you want (although so far I've only started with the fantasy content). But I can easily add content, even on the fly, for any other genre. I've toyed with making a imaginary version of myself as a PC, and playing in an imaginary copy of my own home town.
#solorpg #ttrpg #unifiedrpg #gurps