Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods #AusPods #Podcast #Podcasts #Australia #Society #Culture #Careers #Parenting #Families #Universities #UniMelb
#greatauspods #auspods #podcast #podcasts #australia #society #culture #careers #parenting #families #universities #unimelb
Here is an #introduction.
We are a collection of #psychology laboratories at #Unimelb. We use tech to understand human #behavior, collecting personal #data from #wearables, #iot, and #socialmedia to learn about how individuals interact with their environment. Our models use #Bayesian techniques, #machinelearning and computational #linguistics to quantify and explain cognitive and #social processes.
#introduction #psychology #unimelb #behavior #data #wearables #iot #Socialmedia #bayesian #machinelearning #linguistics #social #rstats #bigdata
A very warm welcome to the #Fediverse, @CHDHunimelb - The Complex Human #Data Hub at #UniMelb :unimelb:
In this stunning #keynote from #EverythingOpen, Professor #RebeccaGiblin from #UniMelb takes us on a tour of #ChokePointCapitalism - her new book with @doctorow - showing how #BigTech has place chokeholds on the work of #artists and #creators, and how the #OpenSource ethos can help.
Get the book at:
#keynote #everythingopen #RebeccaGiblin #unimelb #ChokepointCapitalism #bigtech #artists #creators #opensource
#OPTIMA #unimelb #melbourne #cityscape #birdseyeview
RT @SwearyScholar
#ShitTheyDontTellYouInOWeek Are you heading uni for the first time? Send me your questions! #university #melbourne #literature #foryoupage #fyp #foryou #unimelb #deakin #monash #ACU #RMIT #LaTrobe #VicUni #studyhacks
#shittheydonttellyouinoweek #university #melbourne #literature #foryoupage #fyp #foryou #unimelb #Deakin #Monash #acu #rmit #Latrobe #vicuni #studyhacks
Hearing news reports about University of Melbourne underpaying staff, & their spokesperson claiming that casuals owed backpay as reported in November have been paid.
I’m one of them. My claim has been “processing” for 3 months, and they refuse to give any detail or commitment to a date it will be processed.
The only thing to process is identity & payment details, which they already held but it apparently takes 3 months to verify.
Fuck #UniMelb and #Delloites #University #Melbourne
#unimelb #delloites #university #melbourne
Any statement which doesn’t allow any criticism of a state is by definition a #dictatorship and #censorship. #israel #unimelb
#dictatorship #censorship #israel #unimelb
My University of Melbourne library blog post on our 2023 #OpenAccess publishing agreements is now live. It aims to not just highlight our new and continuing agreements, most of which are #ReadAndPublish agreements negotiated by #CAUL, but to contextualise these alongside other pathways to open access, including open access journals (many of which don't charge APCs), Subscribe to Open (S2O) journals, and our institutional repository.
#openaccess #readandpublish #caul #unimelb #scholarlycommunications
My University of Melbourne library blog post on our 2023 #OpenAccess publishing agreements is now live. It aims to not just highlight our new and continuing agreements, most of which are #ReadAndPublish agreements negotiated by #CAUL, but to contextualise these alongside other pathways to open access, including open access journals (many of which don't charge APCs), Subscribe to Open (S2O) journals, and our institutional repository.
#openaccess #readandpublish #caul #unimelb #scholarlycommunications
Good evening #Fediverse :fediverse:! How are we all doing this fine Tuesday? I'm taking a break from #LaTex and #OverLeaf to bring you this evening's edition of the #ConnectionList #Introduction #FollowFriday post, where I try to more closely connect the Fediverse together.
Please meet:
@rowlandm is a #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion #DEI practitioner and #writer 👋
@natashamitchell is the host of the #ScienceFriction #podcast, and you might want to catch the episode that was recorded live at the #AustralianCybernetic exhibition with @feraldata last year - at
@InclusiveLucie is the author of Queer Roma and has a #PhD in applied social science and is interested in #OpenAccess and #CriticalWhiteness #academic #researcher
@SuzeNorth is the #research #manager for the School of Biomedical Sciences at #UniMelb. Interests in #OzChemistry and #WomenInSTEM #academic #researcher
@yinaar is a #Creative #FirstNations person of Weilwan, Gamilaraay and Dharawal descent and is into #OffGrid, #tech, #politics and #solar 👋
Who is on your #ConnectionList?
#fediverse #latex #overleaf #connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #diversity #equity #inclusion #dei #writer #sciencefriction #podcast #australiancybernetic #phd #openaccess #criticalwhiteness #academic #researcher #research #manager #unimelb #ozchemistry #womeninstem #creative #firstnations #offgrid #tech #politics #solar
“The quickest and easiest way to address both rising transport emissions and living costs is to re-invent Melbourne’s broken bus system for the 21st century.”
“Better bus networks for fairer suburbs” research from #unimelb Melbourne Centre for Cities.
#unimelb #melbourne #PublicTransport #publictransit #cities
In the Gold Coast for IEEE CSDE conference for opening presentation and three talks covering deep learning to classify excessive inbreeding of dogs, celebrity similarity matching and another on predictive policing of environmental crimes #eresearch #unimelb #csde2022
So this is Mastodon! Let’s see how this works and if this data enters into the Australian Data Observatory - the social media discovery platform for Australia! #ado #eresearch #unimelb
I'm at the first conference I've attended since 2019! It's AIMOS 2022, the fourth conference of the Association for Interdisciplinary Metaresearch & Open Science, and it's at my University of Melbourne campus! 👩💻👩🔬
#AIMOS2022 #openscience #openaccess #metaresearch #unimelb
It was great to present "Shoeboxes, Chandeliers, and Screenshares: How players appropriated material and digital technologies for distanced boardgame play during the COVID-19 pandemic" at #ANZCA2022 today - work from a #UniMelb internal grant looking at hybrid distanced play. Huge thanks to Lucy Sparrow who led the analysis on this data.
Thanks to all the survey participants who told us about how they used tech to help them play games with absent friends! Some amazing setups.