Our strike action today has been written up in The Age! And our awesome library workers banner became the feature image of the article!
"Staff at five universities strike in fight to end reliance on casual labour."
By Adam Carey and Nicole Precel.
May 3, 2023. The Age.
#nteu #betterunisnwa #unimelbstrikes
Today I am joining colleagues in industrial action to achieve fair working conditions at the University of Melbourne, including:
⦁ an 80% secure work target
⦁ safer workloads
⦁ restrictions on rolling restructures
⦁ improved parental leave
⦁ fair pay
The 2018 EBA expired in 2021 and the #NTEU presented the University with a log of claims eight months ago. Since then, University management has continually stalled negotiations.
It's for this reason that #UniMelbStrikes ✊