Nonilex · @Nonilex
644 followers · 2555 posts · Server
PacificQuest · @joysuva
4 followers · 471 posts · Server

πŸ”±What we share online can have consequences in the ,including leaving people and at .
Each of us can the spread of harmful by taking to facts before .



#realworld #uninformed #risk #stop #misinformation #time #verify #sharing #content #online #takecarebeforeyoushare

Last updated 1 year ago

Nonilex · @Nonilex
376 followers · 1058 posts · Server

Team ’s response to partial report reads like paranoid .

The fmr pres just doesn’t get the significance of what he could be facing β€” or, more likely, doesn't want to.

β€œβ€¦ team is counting on the person reading or hearing that statement being either or .”

by Jordan Rubin

#trump #georgia #confession #uninformed #misinformed #deadlinelegalblog #deadlinewhitehouse #confirmationbias

Last updated 2 years ago

GreyNomad · @greynomad
2 followers · 30 posts · Server

I'm having a bad day today. I can't help thinking about how nice our world could be without all the or ruining it for the rest of us.

#greedy #malicious #uninformed

Last updated 2 years ago

MinKnockout · @opium4themasses
198 followers · 638 posts · Server

Things we know about that doesn't change with his :

1. Everything he says is a lie
2. He only cares about power
3. He's not above committing to get power
4. People care about what he says and act on it
5. The doesn't really call him out on stunts like this
6. He is a , a , and a
7. He says out loud the things that the rest of the is thinking

This video was , lies, but both new.

#trump #antitransspeach #genocide #media #narcissist #fascist #traitor #republicanparty #gross #uninformed #trans

Last updated 2 years ago