Virginia Anti-Porn Law Used to Flag 'Pornography' in the Bible #Censorship #UnintendedConsequences
#unintendedconsequences #censorship
Ja, aber fairerweise liegt das daran, dass FB für die Links zur Kasse gebeten wird. Dann würde ich als Mastodon-Admin auch Links sperren...
All the babies/toddlers in music class have been practicing putting things away, and as a result, three of them tried to put balls into the garbage bin today. Only one succeeded. She got four in! She put them in faster than her dad could take them out.
Music class is always a time of adventure and a bit of strife.
#unintendedconsequences #toddler
The #PriestleyRiots 🔥 began OTD in 1791 in #Birmingham , #England. 👉
They were a tremendous accelerant to the development of #chemistry in the USA 🇺🇸!
#priestleyriots #Birmingham #england #chemistry #unintendedconsequences
@ernie Whoops, your cogent and correct argument has suddenly made me extremely pro-ID-checks-for-porn-sites. #unintendedconsequences
A quotation from Schiff, Stacy:
As is always the case, parenting is an exercise in unintended consequences.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #childrearing #outcome #parenting #plan #result #unintendedconsequences
#quote #quotes #quotation #childrearing #outcome #parenting #plan #result #unintendedconsequences
As we continue to bring you the best of #EverythingOpen, today we're featuring Donna Benjamin - @kattekrab of #RedHat and the #OpenPracticeLibrary.
Here, she reflects on the concepts of #open, #agile, #hybrid and #distributed - the hallmarks of the #OpenSource movement, and links them to the broader umbrella of human collective endeavour and its many positive benefits, but also #UnintendedConsequences.
How we can ensure they continue to yield positive change?
#everythingopen #redhat #openpracticelibrary #open #agile #hybrid #distributed #opensource #unintendedconsequences
Oh, did leopards eat your face?? #unintendedconsequences
#immigration #migrants #Florida #law #legislation #UnintendedConsequences
Florida GOP lawmaker says the anti-immigration law he backed is causing a 'major problem' as migrant families are leaving the state
#immigration #migrants #florida #law #legislation #unintendedconsequences
#immigration #migrants #Florida #law #legislation #UnintendedConsequences
Florida GOP lawmaker says the anti-immigration law he backed is causing a 'major problem' as migrant families are leaving the state
#unintendedconsequences #legislation #law #Florida #Migrants #immigration
#immigration #migrants #Florida #law #legislation #UnintendedConsequences
Florida GOP lawmaker says the anti-immigration law he backed is causing a 'major problem' as migrant families are leaving the state
#unintendedconsequences #legislation #law #Florida #Migrants #immigration
@tinch Yes, but I'm so angry that they dumped the Wisconsin scenario on us and now that cannot be undone. What hell has this program pushed us toward? #unintendedconsequences
Wer mehrfach lügt… Vertrauen in alle Impfstoffe sinkt – Forscher schlagen Alarm #Globaldeclineinvaccineconfidence #VaccineConfidenceProject #unintendedconsequences #unbeabsichtigteFolgen #Kinderimpfung #Corona-Virus #Gesundheit #M.Wiegand #Vertrauen #Impfung
#impfung #vertrauen #m #gesundheit #corona #kinderimpfung #unbeabsichtigtefolgen #unintendedconsequences #vaccineconfidenceproject #globaldeclineinvaccineconfidence
Orangewing moth. Was excited to see this little creature when it landed on someone's hand. The orange that gives it its name can be seen on its underwing, but not in this photo.
Unfortunately, right after I took the photo, the moth flew directly into my tuna salad and smothered itself. 😫
#unintendedconsequences #onthemountain #moth
Where are our missing bumblebees, carpenter bees, sweat bees?
It's very possible that overproliferation of domesticated, hive-managed honey bees is crowding out our solitary native pollinators.
No paywall - my gift
File under #UnintendedConsequences #nature #pollinators #bees
#unintendedconsequences #nature #pollinators #bees
File under #CapitalismSucks as well as #UnintendedConsequences
Sesame seeds got added to the list of reportable allergens on food labels. Instead of instituting proper cleaning/disinfecting (credit to McDonald's for actually doing this) a long list of major bakeries and burger joints started ADDING sesame flour to their breads.
#capitalismsucks #unintendedconsequences #FoodAllergy #sesame
the US "founding fathers" really f'ed up when they wrote the second amendment to the constitution. #UnintendedConsequences #unintendedconsequences #everythinggoingaccordingtoplan
#unintendedconsequences #everythinggoingaccordingtoplan
When the very kind batista asks my name, and upon hearing it, starts singing "Good Golly Miss Molly" enthusiastically, and seems to know ALL the words. I take it as intended, but still kinda hate the lyrics to that song.
#UnintendedConsequences of #names
#unintendedconsequences #names
Podcasters: What I really want is more engagement from my listeners!
Podcast hosting companies: How about we remove your email address from your show's RSS feed so that NO ONE can contact you? Will that help?
#ThisWasNotThoughtThrough #UnintendedConsequences #podcasting #podcast
#thiswasnotthoughtthrough #unintendedconsequences #podcasting #podcast