In today's #RoyalInstitution
workshop... Where is #Engineering? @philjemmett
asked students to create a smart city.
I loved the sound activated street lights, they light up when they hear your footsteps.
#RoyalInstitution #engineering #wmgwarwick #uniofwarwick #wmgoutreach #stemeducation
Today we've been running "Where is Engineering?" holiday workshop at the #RoyalInstitution. This is #PhilJemmett leading the session.
#RoyalInstitution #philjemmett #wmgoutreach #wmgwarwick #uniofwarwick
Last chance to sign up for our free @turtlestitch workshop - using #TurtleStitch in the classroom. It runs on the 14th of June at 16.30 BST (British Summer Time, or UTC+1). Register here:
#CSed #PhysicalComputing #STEMeducation #EDchat
#WMGoutreach #wmgwarwick #uniofwarwick
#turtlestitch #csed #physicalcomputing #stemeducation #edchat #wmgoutreach #wmgwarwick #uniofwarwick
Delighted to see Hello World, Issue 21 - with my #turtlestitch article and its value as a creative crosscurricular activity for the classroom, linking #maths, #computing and #textiles.
Interested in using TurtleStitch in your classroom? We're running an introduction to TurtleStitch on 14th of June at 16.30
More information and sign up:
Hello World:
#CSed #PhysicalComputing #STEMeducation #EDchat
#WMGoutreach #wmgwarwick #uniofwarwick
#turtlestitch #maths #computing #textiles #csed #physicalcomputing #stemeducation #edchat #wmgoutreach #wmgwarwick #uniofwarwick
Interested in using @turtlestitch in your classroom? We're running an introduction to #TurtleStitch on 14th of June at 16.30 For more information and to sign up visit:
#PhysicalComputing #WMGoutreach #STEMeducation
#wmgwarwick #uniofwarwick
#turtlestitch #compatsch #physicalcomputing #wmgoutreach #stemeducation #wmgwarwick #uniofwarwick
Lots of lovely patterns created by year 9 school students using
@turtlestitch .They visited #wmgwarwick
as part of Slice of Science, Faculty event #UniOfWarwick
#WMGoutreach #STEMeducation
#wmgwarwick #uniofwarwick #wmgoutreach #stemeducation