U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
4787 followers · 4427 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
Jenny Andrew · @drandrewv2
1168 followers · 1537 posts · Server freeradical.zone

As illustration: at heart I’m a , but in my job I need to be kind of a -everything. I sometimes miss being immersed in one, deep specialism, but it’s a treat to set the entire operation to the same, fundamental design principles.

I could probably make more money elsewhere. But much more important to me is having a secure job, with , and an employer whose mission/values I share and who doesn’t treat me as 2nd class because I’m autistic/a woman.

#dataarchitect #nonprofit #data #unionrecognition

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @FWAaron
12 followers · 78 posts · Server social.coop

1/ On another note, for employers recognizing without extra votes, instead of "voluntary recognition" can we start using terms like just "recognition", "immediate recognition", "recognition of (documented) majority representation" and such. To me "voluntary recognition" makes it seem like something employers *can* do to be a little extra nice. It was always meant to be the default.

#unions #unionrecognition #uniomelections

Last updated 2 years ago