#Washington #UnionStation macht voll auf Flughafen. Gates, Gepäckbänder, Gurtpfosten.. #Amtrak
#amtrak #unionstation #washington
Pünktliche Ankunft in #Washington #UnionStation auf den Durchgangsgleisen, welche noch tiefliegende Bahnsteige haben. Auf dem Gegengleis fährt gerade ein Touristikzug mit #DomeCar ein.
#domecar #unionstation #washington
Theresa Harris & uncredited black actors have a scene at the railway station • Union Depot • 1932
#theresaHarris #unionStation #unionDepot #ThePansyCrazeMusical #musical #pansy #pansyCraze #precode #movies #classic #film #vintage #theater #1930s #pride #lgbt #gay #queer #History #black #drag #dragQueen #newyork #tuesday #tbt #throwbackThursday #broadway #blackAndWhite #hollywood #altText #newYorkCity #video #facebook #tikTok @AManAndAMouse #crewdteesdotcom #crewdtees
#crewdtees #crewdteesdotcom #TikTok #Facebook #Video #newyorkcity #alttext #hollywood #BlackAndWhite #broadway #ThrowBackThursday #TBT #tuesday #NewYork #dragqueen #drag #black #History #Queer #gay #LGBT #pride #1930s #theater #vintage #Film #classic #Movies #precode #pansycraze #pansy #Musical #thepansycrazemusical #uniondepot #unionstation #theresaharris
Die Bahnsteige sind allerdings extrem schmal. Ich möchte nicht wissen, wie es hier zur Rush Hour aussieht. #Toronto #UnionStation
Vorteil: man kann meist von zwei Seiten in den Zug einsteigen, die Türen werden nach Ankündigung von jeder Seite separat geschlossen.
#Toronto #UnionStation: eine repräsentative Empfangshalle, aber etwas ist anders: die Gleishalle ist tageslichtgeflutet und der Zugangsbereich unterirdisch.
It's almost midnight and the temperature gauge for #UnionStation in #PortlandOregon is at 88°F.
😬 🥵
There should be a “Hertz” rent-a-bike at #UnionStation #Denver with two-passenger cargo or longtail #ebikes.
@capntransit look at the former Orange Line busway in the #SFV #LAMetro was opposed by #NIMBYs along Chandler Blvd in #ValleyVillage the #BRT now runs from Chatsworth #Metrolink station to #NorthHollywood aka #NOHO heavy rail subway to #DTLA and #UnionStation and it's busy and successful. Read #MikeDavis #CityofQuartz great book that explores politics in #LosAngeles #transit #signingoff #bonweekend
#sfv #LAmetro #nimbys #valleyvillage #brt #Metrolink #northhollywood #noho #dtla #unionstation #mikedavis #cityofquartz #losangeles #transit #signingoff #bonweekend
In the early, early morning sunrise, looking at Union Station in Portland, Oregon, through the remains of the (now) freestanding scaffolding from the demolition of the USPS facility.
#unionstation #portlandoregon #photography
Random (possibly blurry) pic of the beautiful ceiling in #UnionStation. My return from Europe went to hell late last night, but soon I'll be home.
Second stop of the day is Union Station. Until someone manages to bring back airships, this is basically the west coast’s “Church of slow travel”. It’s just stunningly beautiful.
#unionstation #amtrak #coaststarlight #surfliner
Here's a pic of it I took last week when the crew was getting ready to set up the green room.
#unionstation #kansascity #sports #football #nfldraft #nfl
That set they're using for the interviews inside Union Station is the old ticket booth, which was turned into a really neat restaurant called Harvey's when Union Station was refurbished in the 90's.
If you're in KC, and find yourself at Union Station, it's a great place to eat.
I recommend anything with chicken in it.
#unionstation #kansascity #sports #football #nfldraft #nfl
Tuning into the #NFLDraft in my hometown of #KansasCity and I'm loving the green room setup in #UnionStation
#nfldraft #kansascity #unionstation
DEEP ROUTES — live at #unionstation May 2022 (04.03.23) - #dublab #LAmetro https://www.dublab.com/archive/deep-routes-live-at-union-station-may-2022-04-03-23
#LaMetro #dublab #unionstation
04/10 #GOTransit train rider raises concerns over accessibility at #UnionStation | via @CityNewsTO https://buff.ly/3zUz2Ba
Back when @jamers and I commuted together regularly, I would often ask her if she knows what I think of this hall. (Answer: “it’s great!”)
#chicago #unionstation #windowfriday #fensterfreitag
Into the belly of the beast.
#canon #canont5irebel #canoncamera #canonlens #digitalphotography #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #digitaldarkroom #Monochrome #ttc #unionstation #streetcartracks
#streetcartracks #unionstation #ttc #monochrome #digitaldarkroom #blackandwhitephotography #BlackAndWhite #digitalphotography #canonlens #canoncamera #canont5irebel #canon
Union Station by Night, Kansas City, Missouri Postcard
#UnionStation #KansasCity #Missouri #postcard #ephemera #nighttime #Architecture #retro #vintage
#unionstation #KansasCity #missouri #postcard #ephemera #NightTime #architecture #retro #vintage