I'm probably a bit late to the party, but today I had #UniOslo's own #GPT write a #Python script for me, & it works!! Yes, I could have done it myself, but since I'm not coding very often, it would have taken a long time. What I found particularly helpful was that each line of code came with a comment explaining what happens and a set of very well-written instructions on what the code does and how. And bc. I'm all for transparency; I added the script's non-human author to its metadata.
Even though it's not #Wednesday yet, #ResearchSupportPartnershipUiO continues today, too, w/ some recommendations for sending/sharing large video files w/ seminar participants. When you do this, please ensure that you have consent & are in compliance w/ your institution's rules and regulations for data classification and sharing. #UniOslo has a set of tools for sending large files. They're approved for #PersonalData and even #SensitiveDate if encryption is done correctly #ResearchDataManagement
#wednesday #researchsupportpartnershipuio #unioslo #personaldata #sensitivedate #researchdatamanagement