
Re Starmer, too many people forget that our has that appalling electoral system at the heart. This means that the Tories in particular win elections by losing the vote in a specific and limited way. Swing seats, wolfwhistles and all that...

Winning against them and their industrialised ignorance requires Labour to not lose to that electorally reality. Which does turn my stomach at times.


Last updated 2 years ago

@yrieithydd @thechurchmouse @SuneAuken @davidallengreen

It's less about being an English view. More about domestic legal reality (which of course helps more ignorant examples of colonial attitudes)

The important political observation, for me, is how many unionist Scots are so sickened by the union that they would a) vote leave or b) would swallow hard and stay in, while holding down vomit

Yet more consequences of our

I write this with Scots and English blood


Last updated 2 years ago

Never forget, you win an UK by losing the vote in a "specific and limited way"...

You can't understand our without understanding the extreme implications of this.

Read about how this explains our economic+political history and crises over the past decades. And what it means for the UK's


#election #politics #constitution #ukpolitics #constitutionalreform #constitutionalcrisis #WestminsterSystem #westminster #uniquelyinferiorconstitution

Last updated 2 years ago