Join the free @unigis_salzburg info-webinar, online. We inform you about our #distancelearning programs for #Geoinformatics 💻
Study fully online at the University of Salzburg. 🎓
Register now:
#gis #gisstudy #giscertificate #onlinestudy #fernstudium #unisalzburg #geomatik #geoinformation #gisonlinestudy #unigis
#distancelearning #geoinformatics #gis #gisstudy #giscertificate #onlinestudy #Fernstudium #unisalzburg #geomatik #geoinformation #gisonlinestudy #unigis
We invite all participants of the #GISalzburg23 and especially the UNIGIS Salzburg students and alumni to today's UNIGIS Forum, starting at 11 am.
#GISalzburg23 #geoinformatics #geoinformatik #gis #konferenz #unisalzburg
It's #GISalzburg23 time again! We are looking forward to seeing many of our students at this year's #geoinformatics conference at the University of Salzburg, hosted by the Department of Geoinformatics.
We invite all participants to visit us at our booth or in the sessions. You can find the UNIGIS related program slots below.
#geoinformatics #gis #spatialdata #datascience #conference #expo #unisalzburg
#GISalzburg23 #geoinformatics #gis #spatialdata #datascience #conference #expo #unisalzburg
Hab heute Kollegen an der Uni Salzburg besucht. Wenn ich schon unterbezahlt, befristet und zu miserablen Bedingungen forschen muss, dann bitte mit dieser Aussicht! #unisalzburg