So not only do the anti-LGBTQ far right think that a book can turn you gay or trans, now they are targeting #unisex names such as Sam. Apparently these names are turning kids #trans. Once again creating problems that are a fabrication of their mind. The name Sam has been a popular name for over a century. Interesting that it took 100 years for these rightists to get all upset over it.
🧁Oh and don't forget about our watches! (Which you can buy, not a pre-order!)☕
#AndoAndoAndo #fridaymood #cafe #coffee #stylish #fashion #unisex #cupcake
#cupcake #unisex #fashion #stylish #coffee #cafe #fridaymood #andoandoando
Kiinnostava juttu #unisex #WC tiloista. Kuin luin otsikon niin mielessä kävi että mitkä tyypit nytt on mennyt seksuaalisesti ahdistamaan muita. Mutta ilmeisesti, muiden epäsiisteys, kultuuri rajat jne. Eli minä en voi mennä vessaan X ihmisen kanssa koska y
"Jos unisex-vessoja halutaan, tulisi asiaa pohtia kaikkien kannalta: lasten, nuorten, eri kansallisuuksien, uskontojen, sukupuolten ja iän. Yhtäkkiä yksinkertainen asia onkin hyvin monimutkainen, Airas sanoo."
"Trang phục thể thao dành cho cả nam và nữ: Bảo vệ quyền bình đẳng trên sân
Xem Thêm:
#Unisex_, #ThếGiớiThờiTrang, #Thế_Giới_Thời_Trang, #thegioithoitrang, #thegioithoitrang, #Unisex, #Unisex_"
#unisex #thegioithoitrang #Thế_giới_thời_trang #Thếgiớithờitrang #Unisex_
Weil wir ein #Unisex-Klo haben, liegen seit dieser Woche auch Tampons aus… 👍
…in dem Schälchen, wo vorher Bonbons lagen. 😳
*mit Fusseln im Mund gesendet*
Clothing that brings out the best in everyone? What a beautiful concept!
#vintageAd #fashion #clothing #unisex
#vintagead #fashion #clothing #unisex
@faithisleaping So true all #trans people have free choice. I also feel this about #unisex #disabled bathrooms. They are designed for people who need more space, whether a wheelchair user, a support-walker user, a human with an assistance dog, a pushchair, a claustrophobic person or with anxiety regardless of gender. There’s no #stigma in using a #disabled bathroom. *If* someone is #trans & #disabled or #trans & not #disabled they can freely choose the right restroom for them!
#stigma #disabled #unisex #trans
Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Just Say Gay! Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee #justsaygay #dontsaygay #tshirt #shirt #unisex #cotton #tees #activism #black
#etsy #justsaygay #dontsaygay #tshirt #shirt #unisex #cotton #tees #activism #black
@dradiowissen In Frankreich funktioniert das seit Jahrzehnten. #unisex #Toiletten
Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Abraxas Gnostic Gnosticism Magic Talisman Templars T-Shirt, Gift For Women and Man Unisex T-Shirt #unisex #gift #fashion #clothing #shirtsformen #shirtsforwomen #shirtsdress #shopping #shirt
#etsy #unisex #gift #fashion #clothing #shirtsformen #shirtsforwomen #shirtsdress #shopping #shirt
Posted: Tue Apr 11 00:32:09 0000 2023
#etsy #unisex #gift #fashion #clothing #shirtsformen #shirtsforwomen #shirtsdress #shopping #shirt
Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Abraxas Gnostic Gnosticism Magic Talisman T-Shirt, Gift For Women and Man Unisex T-Shirt #unisex #gift #fashion #clothing #shirtsformen #shirtsforwomen #shirtsdress #shopping #shirtdesign
#etsy #unisex #gift #fashion #clothing #shirtsformen #shirtsforwomen #shirtsdress #shopping #shirtdesign
Posted: Tue Apr 11 00:32:32 0000 2023
#etsy #unisex #gift #fashion #clothing #shirtsformen #shirtsforwomen #shirtsdress #shopping #shirtdesign
Brüste - so reizvoll. Aber auch so reizbar? Ich stelle immer wieder fest, dass sie letzteres seltener sind als vermutet. Wie ist das bei euch so? Macht es euch an, wenn eure Brüste bzw. Brustwarzen bespielt werden? Ich mag es z. B. ganz gerne - in der richtigen Situation. #unisex #umfrage #poll Wann/wie mögt ihr es, wann/wie nicht?
Men's Camouflage Collection
Men's Camouflage Collection for the men trying to blend in
The Men's Camouflage Collection comes in everything from hats, jackets, shirts, swimwear, joggers and sweats #camo #camouflare #hunting #fishing #outdoors #mensapparel #camping #unisex
#unisex #camping #mensapparel #outdoors #fishing #hunting #camouflare #camo
Men's Camouflage Collection
Men's Camouflage Collection for the men trying to blend in
The Men's Camouflage Collection comes in everything from hats, jackets, shirts, swimwear, joggers and sweats #camo #camouflare #hunting #fishing #outdoors #mensapparel #camping #unisex
#unisex #camping #mensapparel #outdoors #fishing #hunting #camouflare #camo
Eine Radikalfeministin protestiert an der Goethe-Uni Frankfurt gegen die Umwidmung von Toiletten. Sie bekommt Hausverbot und wird körperlich attackiert.
Transaktivisten, meint sie, seien „religiöse Fundamentalisten“. Es gebe unter ihnen Menschen mit „extremistischen Einstellungen“, die bereit seien, ihre Überzeugungen notfalls mit Gewalt durchzusetzen.
#queer #transgender #unisex #flinta
(FAZ / hinter der €-Schranke)
#FLINTA #unisex #transgender #queer
#Camisetas #Sudaderas #Tshirts #Hoodies #Crew #Ropa #Moda #OldSchool #Values #VTHC #VientosTransversales #HardcoreClothing #Unisex #Calidad #Hardcore #Valores #HardcoreLife
#camisetas #sudaderas #tshirts #hoodies #crew #ropa #moda #oldschool #values #vthc #vientostransversales #hardcoreclothing #unisex #calidad #hardcore #valores #hardcorelife
Camiseta unisex de manga corta «Never Again», sólo en color azul marino. Y un cuchillico bonico también. ¡Ah, con nuestro logo en la parte superior de la espalda!
Y la tienes a un click:
#NeverAgain #Camisetas #Sudaderas #Tshirts #Hoodies #Crew #Ropa #Moda #OldSchool #Values #VTHC #VientosTransversales #HardcoreClothing #Unisex #Calidad #Hardcore #Valores #HardcoreLife
#neveragain #camisetas #sudaderas #tshirts #hoodies #crew #ropa #moda #oldschool #values #vthc #vientostransversales #hardcoreclothing #unisex #calidad #hardcore #valores #hardcorelife
Camiseta unisex de manga corta «Love / Fuck you all».
#Love #FuckYouAll #Camisetas #Sudaderas #Tshirts #Hoodies #Crew #Ropa #Moda #OldSchool #Values #VTHC #VientosTransversales #HardcoreClothing #Unisex #Calidad #Hardcore #Valores #HardcoreLife
#love #fuckyouall #camisetas #sudaderas #tshirts #hoodies #crew #ropa #moda #oldschool #values #vthc #vientostransversales #hardcoreclothing #unisex #calidad #hardcore #valores #hardcorelife