Voted to accept the NHS Scotland pay deal. I believe Wilma Brown, our Chair, when she accepts the FM's statement that there is no more money available. So that's this year done.
Next year however is another matter. Unison and other unions should help push the Scottish Government towards tax and local government reforms we sorely need.
#scotland #nhsscotland #nhs #unisonscotland #unison
Offshore links to Scottish private finance deals revealed
#CaymanIslands #CurrieandBrown #DarGroup #DaveWatson #Dubai #Equitix #EuropeanServicesStrategyUnit #Guernsey #HubCommunityFoundation #JackieBailie #Pensions #ScottishFuturesTrust #TaxJusticeNetwork #TetragonFinancialGroup #UnisonScotland
#caymanislands #currieandbrown #dargroup #davewatson #dubai #equitix #europeanservicesstrategyunit #guernsey #hubcommunityfoundation #jackiebailie #pensions #scottishfuturestrust #taxjusticenetwork #tetragonfinancialgroup #unisonscotland #news