Hackers Claim They Breached T-Mobile More Than 100 Times in 2022 /sp/
#TMobile #CyberAttack #CyberCrime #CyberSecurity #Cybercriminal #Hack #Hacked #Hacker #Hacking #InformationSecurity #Infosec #Security #Technology #Telegram #SimSwapping #Unit221B
#tmobile #cyberattack #cybercrime #cybersecurity #cybercriminal #Hack #Hacked #hacker #hacking #informationsecurity #infosec #security #Technology #telegram #simswapping #unit221b
Hackers Claim They Breached T-Mobile More Than 100 Times in 2022 - Image: Shutterstock.com
Three different cybercriminal groups claimed access to int... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/02/hackers-claim-they-breached-t-mobile-more-than-100-times-in-2022/ #internationalcomputerscienceinstitute #alittlesunshine #nicholasweaver #databreaches #allisonnixon #securitykeys #simswapping #webfraud2.0 #minecraft #t-mobile #unit221b #roblox #tmoup
#tmoup #roblox #unit221b #t #minecraft #webfraud2 #simswapping #securitykeys #allisonnixon #databreaches #nicholasweaver #alittlesunshine #internationalcomputerscienceinstitute
Thinking of Hiring or Running a Booter Service? Think Again. - Most people who operate DDoS-for-hire businesses attempt to hide their true identi... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/01/thinking-of-hiring-or-running-a-booter-service-think-again/ #neer-do-wellnews #stresserservices #booterservices #ddos-for-hire #matthewgatrel #allisonnixon #ipstresser #johndobbs #unit221b
#unit221b #johndobbs #ipstresser #allisonnixon #matthewgatrel #ddos #booterservices #stresserservices #neer
Per anni i ricercatori di sicurezza hanno aiutato le aziende a sfuggire dal ransomware Zeppelin
Dal 2020, gli specialisti della #sicurezza hanno aiutato le aziende colpite dal #ransomware Zeppelin a venirne a capo.
Questo è dovuto al fatto che sono state rilevate numerose #vulnerabilità nel processo di #crittografia, che ha consentito ai #ricercatori di creare dei #programmi per effettuare la decrittografia dei #dati.
La #pubblicazione di Bleeping Computer afferma che gli autori di questi programmi erano specialisti della società di consulenza di sicurezza delle #informazioni #Unit221b.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#infosecurity #privacy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #unit221b #informazioni #pubblicazione #dati #programmi #ricercatori #crittografia #vulnerabilità #ransomware #sicurezza
Security researchers who found vulnerabilities in the encryption mechanism of the #Zeppelin #ransomware and exploited them to create a working decryptor they used since 2020 to help victim companies recover files without paying the attackers.
#Unit221b delayed publishing a report to keep the criminals in the dark about these flaws: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/researchers-secretly-helped-decrypt-zeppelin-ransomware-for-2-years | #cybercrime #threatintel #infosec
#zeppelin #ransomware #unit221b #cybercrime #threatintel #infosec
Researchers Quietly Cracked Zeppelin Ransomware Keys - Peter is an IT manager for a technology manufacturer that got hit with a Russian ... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/11/researchers-quietly-cracked-zeppelin-ransomware-keys/ #cybersecurity&infrastructuresecurityagency #zeppelinransomware #zeppelindecryptor #alittlesunshine #securitytools #digitalocean #joellathrop #ransomware #lancejames #unit221b #fbi
#fbi #unit221b #lancejames #ransomware #joellathrop #digitalocean #securitytools #alittlesunshine #zeppelindecryptor #zeppelinransomware #cybersecurity
📬 Piratenseiten sind zu 80% Malwareschleudern
#Malware #Streaming #AntiPiracy #DCA #DigitalCitizensAlliance #EUAmtfürgeistigesEigentum #MalwareVerbreitung #Unit221B #WhiteBullet https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/malware/piratenseiten-sind-zu-80-malwareschleudern-255923.html
#whitebullet #unit221b #MalwareVerbreitung #EUAmtfürgeistigesEigentum #digitalcitizensalliance #dca #antipiracy #streaming #malware
Hackers Gaining Power of Subpoena Via Fake “Emergency Data Requests” - There is a terrifying and highly effective “method” that criminal hackers are now ... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/03/hackers-gaining-power-of-subpoena-via-fake-emergency-data-requests/ #emergencydatarequest #neer-do-wellnews #paloaltonetworks #thecomingstorm #dataextortion #recursionteam #webfraud2.0 #pompompurin #whitedoxbin #markrasch #microsoft #everlynn #unit221b #discord #fakeedr #lapsus$ #anitsu
#anitsu #lapsus #fakeedr #discord #unit221b #everlynn #microsoft #markrasch #whitedoxbin #pompompurin #webfraud2 #recursionteam #dataextortion #thecomingstorm #paloaltonetworks #neer #emergencydatarequest
FCC Proposal Targets SIM Swapping, Port-Out Fraud - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is asking for feedback on new pro... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/10/fcc-proposal-targets-sim-swapping-port-out-fraud/ #u.s.federalcommunicationscommission #u.s.federaltradecommission #numberport-outfraud #alittlesunshine #allisonnixon #simswapping #unit221b
#unit221b #simswapping #allisonnixon #alittlesunshine #numberport #u
The Life Cycle of a Breached Database - Every time there is another data breach, we are asked to change our password at th... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/07/the-life-cycle-of-a-breached-database/ #classicfootballshirts #alittlesunshine #databasebreach #ledgerbreach #webfraud2.0 #fabianwosar #weleakinfo #emsisoft #unit221b
#unit221b #emsisoft #weleakinfo #fabianwosar #webfraud2 #ledgerbreach #databasebreach #alittlesunshine #classicfootballshirts
Adventures in Contacting the Russian FSB - KrebsOnSecurity recently had occasion to contact the Russian Federal Security Serv... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/06/adventures-in-contacting-the-russian-fsb/ #federalsecurityservice #treasurydepartment #vladislavhorohorin #alittlesunshine #lancejames #virustotal #cryptopro #unit221b #yandex #badb #gost #fbi #fsb #c#
#c #fsb #fbi #gost #badb #yandex #unit221b #cryptopro #virustotal #lancejames #alittlesunshine #vladislavhorohorin #treasurydepartment #federalsecurityservice
Try This One Weird Trick Russian Hackers Hate - In a Twitter discussion last week on ransomware attacks, KrebsOnSecurity noted tha... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/05/try-this-one-weird-trick-russian-hackers-hate/ #colonialpipelineransomwareattack #darksideransomware #microsoftwindows #securitytools #allisonnixon #ransomware #cybereason #lancejames #sodinokibi #unit221b #twitter #revil #fbi
#fbi #revil #twitter #unit221b #sodinokibi #lancejames #cybereason #ransomware #allisonnixon #securitytools #microsoftwindows #darksideransomware #colonialpipelineransomwareattack
Can We Stop Pretending SMS Is Secure Now? - SMS text messages were already the weakest link securing just about anything online, mainly because ... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/03/can-we-stop-pretending-sms-is-secure-now/ #numberportabilityadministrationcenter #latestwarnings #thecomingstorm #allisonnixon #simswapping #netnumber #alt-spid #lucky225 #unit221b #npac
#npac #unit221b #lucky225 #alt #netnumber #simswapping #allisonnixon #thecomingstorm #latestwarnings #numberportabilityadministrationcenter
Warning the World of a Ticking Time Bomb - Globally, hundreds of thousand of organizations running Exchange email servers from Microsoft just g... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/03/warning-the-world-of-a-ticking-time-bomb/ #thecomingstorm #allisonnixon #timetopatch #checkmyowa #unit221b
#unit221b #checkmyowa #timetopatch #allisonnixon #thecomingstorm
Voice Phishers Targeting Corporate VPNs - The COVID-19 epidemic has brought a wave of email phishing attacks that try to trick work-at-home em... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/08/voice-phishers-targeting-corporate-vpns/ #latestwarnings #thecomingstorm #allisonnixon #securitykeys #domaintools #vpnphishing #urlscan.io #zackallen #unit221b #vishing #yubikey #zerofox #yubico
#yubico #zerofox #yubikey #vishing #unit221b #zackallen #urlscan #vpnphishing #domaintools #securitykeys #allisonnixon #thecomingstorm #latestwarnings
Twitter Hacking for Profit and the LoLs - The New York Times last week ran an interview with several young men who claimed to have had direct ... more: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/07/twitter-hacking-for-profit-and-the-lols/ #neer-do-wellnews #alittlesunshine #eversoanxious #josephoconnor #allisonnixon #beyondinsane #plugwalkjoe #simswapping #samytarazi #joshperry #markrasch #unit221b #chaewon #ogusers #tankska #mason #promo #aqua #crim #voku #lol
#lol #voku #crim #aqua #promo #mason #tankska #ogusers #chaewon #unit221b #markrasch #joshperry #samytarazi #simswapping #plugwalkjoe #beyondinsane #allisonnixon #josephoconnor #eversoanxious #alittlesunshine #neer