BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
317 followers · 15405 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
David Megginson · @david_megginson
72 followers · 255 posts · Server mstdn.ca

means not openly discriminating against people because of who they are.

means *celebrating* people because of who they are.

Starting in the late 1980s, my mom was part of a small group pushing congregations to become affirming for 2SLGBTQ+ people, including flying the rainbow flag outside, so people knew they'd be welcome and celebrated.

: tolerance is too low a bar; safe and healthy communities are affirming.

#tolerance #affirmation #unitedchurchofcanada #mastodon #moderators

Last updated 2 years ago

Tay Moss · @revtay
46 followers · 50 posts · Server mas.to

I'm an American Expat living it Toronto for the past 17 years. Ordained in the Church, I've served Church of Canada parishes until I went full time for the leading a big new eLearning website called churchx.ca . We host educational content and communities from a variety of different groups and traditions. I'm married to the brilliant @byzbets and we have 3 kids. Expect some ecstatic posts about food and sailing.

#unitedchurchofcanada #anglican #episcopal

Last updated 2 years ago