My poetic name for @NATO is Otania, in honor of Otan, Odin, Godin, Wotan, Woden.
#nato #finland #sweden #unitedeurope #eu #EuropeanUnion
I can say #europe #unitedeurope is alone; united state of America is the one&only partner;when all said &done , Continent of Europe without a exchange market,business, innovation,strategic plans in the future will tell story of sadness #takeitifyoumadeit I will bring flowers #dogsdonthunt #applesaucy #bobforcinnamon #camelsback #doesnotringabell #somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter
#europe #unitedeurope #takeitifyoumadeit #dogsdonthunt #applesaucy #bobforcinnamon #camelsback #doesnotringabell #somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter
I can say #europe #unitedeurope is alone; united state of America is the one&only partner;when all said &done , Continent of Europe without a exchange market,business, innovation,strategic plans in the future will tell story of sadness #takeitifyoumadeit I will bring flowers #dogsdonthunt #applesaucy #bobforcinnamon #camelsback #doesnotringabell #somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter
#europe #unitedeurope #takeitifyoumadeit #dogsdonthunt #applesaucy #bobforcinnamon #camelsback #doesnotringabell #somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter
I can say #europe #unitedeurope is alone; united state of America is the one&only partner;when all said &done , Continent of Europe without a exchange market,business, innovation,strategic plans in the future will tell story of sadness #takeitifyoumadeit I will bring flowers #dogsdonthunt #applesaucy #bobforcinnamon #camelsback #doesnotringabell #somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter
#europe #unitedeurope #takeitifyoumadeit #dogsdonthunt #applesaucy #bobforcinnamon #camelsback #doesnotringabell #somuchdairyinit #greatstrides #breadandbutter
I'm angry on Silicon Valley Bank,I'm angry that #money would hold this country #unitedeurope #europe "hostage"&threaten to "leave"if they don't do what they wants;it's despicable what's happen with money in ours day;corporation,banking are not "allowed"to dictate what people needs;that"allowed"belongs to the people;I like a stability,I don't want to be rich,but if I need something,is not necessary also to threat it;don't punish people,is important to fight for them;take care&put first
Madam with name of rococo visit today united state of America,desperately search for business #unitedeurope #eu #europe is definitely alone;but I don't worry about me,I will excellent fine! Middle East become"brother"again,C-hina stay behind,in the grand scheme of things,who cares!people?!?people are just molecules,floating around in random patterns!devoid of meaning!I'm a rolling stone! #history is repeating! prepared to experience true freedom &bliss!United europe have just half an idea
#unitedeurope #eu #europe #history
💜This has been a very #busy #week in Volt #Europa, with #elections and #campaigns and many exiting things happening across teams
Here is a #quick #recap of it⚡️
#volteuropa #unitedeurope #eupolitics #eupolicy #europeanrepublic #europe #eu
#busy #week #Europa #elections #campaigns #quick #recap #VoltEuropa #unitedeurope #eupolitics #EUPolicy #europeanrepublic #europe #eu
The president of #unitedeurope madam the rococo,is visit today #unitedkingdomofbritain that's #england that's #britain to talk about #brexit , vaporizers?Skittles? north Ireland,south Ireland,local "civil war"?!?that parts is so's not so practical with brexit,they don't made enough money to save business,or England,I can say ironically,if they don't find a way to be one,the soul of trade will die,just talking business,the rest is cocobanana
#unitedeurope #unitedkingdomofbritain #england #britain #brexit
Today the entire #unitedeurope #eu & in #danmark celebrating 1years from this horrible invasion in est part of the continent;between two groups of nation,who want to make inconsistent kinds of worlds,I see no remedy but force;until 30 years ago est part was the site of the largest & longest nation fight in our history;it shaped &scarred the landscape of continent & forever changed the lives of those involved countries;after 30 years the two nation friends so close Ukraine & Russia they once
Thank you to president of the greatest country in the entire world,united state of America for visiting #unitedeurope #eu if I love #history #politics #democracy #liberty #freedom and #politicians which I do!is my entire life dedicated years,hours, teenagers,university,millions of hours into the library,documents,film,original records;well,if I love history,but you don't have nobody to write history,which I don't have nothing to notify;then sometimes the continent just gotta play on
#unitedeurope #eu #history #politics #democracy #liberty #freedom #politicians
Yalta Conference was one of the best! #unitedeurope or #ue actually it is kind of terrible!spit with thru!!because all countries from #europe can tell everybody that's the"best"in the fact,in reality,in history,in real life,we are such a sore losers!a goody goody nerds! saying the truth,in the last 30 years we become a weakness continent!!because you know what #history don't care about?history don't care about attitude!history care about characters!and continent europe, don't have characters
#unitedeurope #ue #europe #history
I live in #unitedeurope but in the last 3th decade I try to figure out what is our value of Europe?!?united have made culture to despair,identity value of country is on crises,education?!? horrifying/horrible!!!and today on #bruxelles all 30 countries talk about 2%,but just 8 countries pay&Latvia(Riga)want to pay 3,2% to defense our value?!?!?I been reading this novel about three guys,happen to be 🐖,uh,that decided to build their own 🏡 so,now,one of em builds his 🏠 out of straws !right!now, how
Wir Europa haben die USA gegründet, das ist allg. bekannt.
Kann man von den USA lernen um ein vereintes Europa zu erschaffen? Ja, ganz viel sogar, besonders was alles falsch gelaufen ist.
#VereintesEuropa #UnitedEurope #Volt #Europa @VoltEuropa #EU #USE
#vereinteseuropa #unitedeurope #volt #europa #eu #use
@acarter @drskyskull Thank you kindly 😊 My best wishes to our neighbor Germany 🇩🇪 🤝🇵🇱 Have a fabulous weekend 🙋♀️
#FriendshipHasNoBorders #UnitedEurope 🇪🇺
#friendshiphasnoborders #unitedeurope