It’s Cesar Chavez Day, and the 96th anniversary of his birth. #unitedfarmworkers #UnitedFarmWorkersofAmerica #cesarchavez Nation Farmworker Awareness Week
#unitedfarmworkers #unitedfarmworkersofamerica #cesarchavez
Thank you to farm workers!!
These farm workers do back breaking work in harsh conditions and for very low wages, in order for us to conveniently have food on our tables. It's shameful that they are treated as subhumans.
United Farm Workers showing videos of the skilled work that brings food to Thanksgiving tables - you can scroll down to see many videos for different foods, and request a video for your favorite food on the birdsite thread #ufw #unitedfarmworkers #wefeedyou #union #ThanksGiving
#thanksgiving #union #WeFeedYou #unitedfarmworkers #ufw