Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2355 followers · 4754 posts · Server kolektiva.social

And this is all without getting into how The Satanic Temple’s owners have used their religious nonprofit to fundraise for SLAPP suits — then also showed that money being funneled to a different, for-profit corp in the process.

(Massachusetts Attorney General, feel free to email or DM us any time.)



Just incredibly brazen stuff here.

Nonprofit church: The Satanic Temple (Inc.)
For-profit corporation: United Federation of Churches LLC dba "The Satanic Temple"

The latter is suing us. The former was collecting money for it.

Both share the same owners (or their pseudonyms), HQ, and website.

#thesatanictemple #thesatanictempleinc #unitedfederationofchurchesllc

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1394 followers · 2174 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Bless the glorious admins at for their character limit. Fully image description below the summary.

Lawyers are expensive, but 's lawyers are pretty good.

They lay out in a more formal way what has happened so far, and preview what's coming: moved forward with this motion after being warned in June 2022 that we had emails and video of TST's local reps in their pyramid-shaped hierarchy saying the Facebook page TST national is now seeking was not something they owned or wanted.

We also point out how TST admits to *paying someone* to monitor criticism of the Temple and its owners, and this gives up the game about their claims that this has anything to do with a Facebook page since they're upset about criticism in any format: Reddit, podcasts, whatever.

We show where TST's lawyer continues to go out and say *unbelievably* ill-advised things about us and this case, which likely give some insight into TST's real motivations here. "Tell the judge on me again, I double dare you." Just incredible.

Finally, we argue that the judge should deal with whether or not to dismiss this case from federal court before dealing with the Temple's latest frivolity.

As this Court is aware from pleadings and briefings over the last two and a half years, this case arises from a dispute between a religious organization, Plaintiff United Federation of Churches, LLC d/b/a The Satanic Temple (“The Satanic Temple” or “TST”), and four of its former members, Defendants, regarding TST’s displeasure with Defendants’ critical views about TST’s tenets and practices. TST’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction (“Motion”) is part of its ongoing attempt to silence Defendants. As with many of TST’s claims against Defendants that have been dismissed as a matter law, this Motion, too, lacks all merit. TST has not shown, and cannot show, the required elements for the extraordinary remedy of a preliminary injunction. For example, it cannot show that it will succeed on the merits of its common law claims that Defendants have wrongfully converted a Facebook page (the “Memes Page”1). Far to the contrary, TST expressly
told Defendants over two and a half years ago that they could have and use the Memes Page “free and clear and we’ve [TST] no desire to claim it.” Despite being fully aware of this fatal exculpatory evidence, TST does not even mention it in its Motion.

TST also can’t show that it will suffer irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief. Not only did TST give Defendants express permission to have and use the Memes Page “free and clear,” it waited for over two and a half years to bring this Motion, during which time it has been fully aware of Defendants’ ongoing use of the Memes Page. This delay alone proves false any claim of imminent or irreparable harm. Moreover, TST does not assert any conversion-based damages for the alleged conversion of the Memes Page. Instead, it attempts improperly to relitigate its dismissed defamation claim by arguing that it is damaged by the content being posted on the Memes Page and in other social media.

The true purpose of TST’s meritless Motion (filed the night before Thanksgiving after a two and a half year wait) is to harass Defendants and drive up their legal fees. TST knows the Defendants have limited resources to litigate this dispute and, as its attorney has publicly stated TST is using this litigation with the hope that the attorneys’ fees in this case “squeeze[] every last penny from you living corpses” [referring to Defendants]. Declaration of David Johnson in Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction (“Johnson Decl.”) ¶ 18 & Ex. 6 (emphasis added). More recently, just days before filing this Motion, TST’s attorney again publicly acknowledged using this litigation for the purpose of harassing Defendants, stating in a public

Are these fuckwits still talking about me? Grow up and file an answer so I can get at your financial records. I’m coming for you. Tell the judge on me again, I double dare you.

Id. ¶ 20 & Ex. 8 (emphases added).2 Given TST’s own blatant, public statements of an improper purpose, it is impossible to conclude other than that TST is improperly using this litigation to harass Defendants until they are bled dry through legal fees.

Finally, this Motion is improper because Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss for Lack of
Subject Matter Jurisdiction (Dkt. No. 33) is currently pending. The Court should first determine if it will retain jurisdiction over this case before deciding whether it will issue an injunction.

For these reasons and the reasons set forth below, The Satanic Temple’s Motion must be denied.


#Kolektiva #QueerSatanic #thesatanictemple #unitedfederationofchurchesllc

Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1238 followers · 1879 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1227 followers · 1863 posts · Server kolektiva.social