Erfolgreicher 1. Weltkongress der United Front
Zukunftsweisende Kampfansage an Faschismus, Krieg und Umweltzerstörung
Stärkt die Internationale antiimperialistische Einheitsfront gegen Faschismus, Krieg und Umweltzerstörung #ufwc #UnitedFront
So… is Eslite saying that the #CCP 🇨🇳 has offices *in #Taiwan* 🇳🇫?!
❝#Eslite_Bookstore denies allegations data went overseas❞
#psychologicalwarfare #unitedfront #China #eslite_bookstore #Taiwan #ccp
Only one week away. May Day 2023.
Boston May Day 2023 will be on May 1st , with a rally at 5pm at the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common, followed by a march throughout the city.
Over 40+ speakers of cosponsoring organizations for May Day 2023 include;
Boston May Day Coalition
Green Rainbow Party of Massachusetts
Cambridge City Growers
New Democracy Coalition
United American Indians of New England
Jewish Voice for Peace
Black Lives Matter Rhode Island
Workers World Party - Boston
Refuse Fascism
North American Indian Center of Boston
Community Church of Boston
Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front of Massachusetts
Encuentro 5
African People’s Socialist Party
Anarchist Black Cross - Boston
Community Advocates for Justice and Equality
COS New England
DSA Socialist Feminism Working Group
Little Liberty
Progressive Labor Party
Revolutionary Blackout Network
Natick Black Lives Matter
Boston Independent Socialist Group
Red Strike Project
International Marxist Tendency
Communities Responding to Extreme Weather
Inspiring Today’s Youth.
Extinction Rebellion Boston
Palestinian Youth Movement
Boston South Asian Coalition
Julian Assange Defense - Boston
Boston Teachers Union
St. Vincents' Nurses Union
Justice is Global
Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health
Battle First Aid Responder Services
Activate Media
Burhan Rebels / Trans rights /LGBTQIAS2+
Boston Education Justice Alliance
Starbucks Workers United Massachusetts
Bishop of the Diocese Of Saint Francis of Assisi
July 26 Coalition - Boston Cuba Solidarity
Massachusetts Peace Action
Mass Action Against Police Brutality
Massachusetts Nurses Union of Brigham & Women's Hospital
In addition to the above endorsing organizations, additional speakers include the families of victims of police brutality & murder in Massachusetts
Eric Mack ( Anthony Harden's family)
Dimex (Larry Ruiz Hernandez's family)
Carla Sheffeild (Burrell Ramsey White's mother)
Dyani Tisdol (sister of William Tisdol)
Tina Degree (Moses Harris's family)
Jenelle Ambroise (Christopher Diven’s mother).
There will also be music: 4:30pm-5pm
Joe Messina - will perform revolutionary punk rock
Kristin Turgeon - will perform revolutionary folk
Food will be available courtesy Boston Food Activists
more info @
#Boston #BostonMA #Massachusetts #mayday #mayday2023 #classwar #unionize #union #workers #workersrights #freepalestine #policebrutality #blacklivesmatter #internationalworkersday #immigrantrights #transrights #abortionrights #antiwar #bostonprotest #protest #rally #march #generalstrike #strike #solidarity #unitedfront #indigenousrights #ClimateEmergency #xrboston #ExtinctionRebellion #nurses #starbucks #racialjustice #SocialJustice #marxism #marxist #socialism #socialist #anarchist #anarchism
#indigenousrights #climateemergency #xrboston #extinctionrebellion #nurses #starbucks #RacialJustice #socialjustice #marxism #marxist #socialism #socialist #Anarchist #anarchism #boston #BostonMA #massachusetts #mayday #mayday2023 #classwar #Unionize #union #workers #workersrights #freepalestine #policebrutality #blacklivesmatter #internationalworkersday #immigrantrights #transrights #abortionrights #antiwar #bostonprotest #protest #rally #march #generalstrike #strike #solidarity #unitedfront
"Tesla CEO Elon Musk praised the Chinese government, calling it 'sensitive' to public opinion. 'It seems ironic, but even though you have sort of a single-party system, they [China's government] really actually seem to care a lot about the well-being of the people. In fact, they’re maybe even more sensitive to public opinion than what I see in the US.' "
🧵 4/4 Meanwhile the CCP empire would “hide its strength and bide its time...“
Not only surviving the #1989 #EndOfHistory blow to #communism, the CCP would foster a global network of autocracies for #UnitedFront against free peoples.
That's how you *rope-a-dope* those foreign capitalist dopes and their democracies!
#endofhistory #communism #unitedfront #globalism
@hkdc_us RT by @AnnaKwokFY: Deplorable: @TimesSquareNYC cooperated w/ Hong Kong Economic&Trade Office while Congress tries to deregister it, CCP official @CGHuangPingNY & #UnitedFront org @us_safa. US institutions mustn’t associate w/ these serial human rights abusers & their allies.
Deplorable: @TimesSquareNYC cooperated w/ Hong Kong Economic&Trade Office while Congress tries to deregister it, CCP official @CGHuangPingNY & #UnitedFront org @us_safa. US institutions mustn’t associate w/ these serial human rights abusers & their allies.
To understand more about why the PRC government's foreign interference operations target local governments and indigenous authorities, see my 2022 paper: 'Encircling the city from the countryside: a template of CCP united front work at subnational level'.
#China #ForeignInterference #UnitedFront #中国 #统战
#china #foreigninterference #unitedfront #中国 #统战
Post- #1989 #Germany could so easily have been a major driver for good; instead they went full "Handel Über Alles OHNE Wandel". Not just the govt but practically all the Germans I've met (overseas) and tried introducing human rights into discussion. Conscientious Germans have some task ahead.
Perma-chancellor #Schrölzkel or #Schrömerlz's "new #Zeitenwendey thingy" insists on the continued Support Through Business for the Chinese dictatorship despite its entire history and well-documented global objectives to remove democracy as an existential threat to its rule and expansion. No biggie, if you ask the political and industrialist elite of Germany.
Slava Ukraini! But are Tibetans and Uighurs etc. just too far from Europe to be worth supporting? #Iran's mullahs and other strongmen mushrooming everywhere also rely on #china and #russia for support.
#germany #schrolzkel #schromerlz #zeitenwendey #iran #china #russia #unitedfront #ufwd #unitednations #veto #handelohnewandel
RT @Anne_MarieBrady
"The Crown told the was seeking imprisonment..because the offending involved subversion"
Political motivation for #ZhangYikun's criminal act alluded to in proceedings.
Ironically, he avoided imprisonment due to his #UnitedFront 'charity work'.
Wow this is a disturbing incident of #antisemitism let's not lose sight of the #intersectional #oppressions as we go down our rabbit holes of this that and the other. We need a #unitedfront against #fascism in ALL of its' manifestations.
#antisemitism #intersectional #oppressions #unitedfront #fascism
NZ Herald now warning Ardern she needs to be craven when meeting Xi Jinping and not follow Trudeau's example in speaking up on concerns about China's aggressive behaviour. Oh so predictable from the business paper.
#China #NZ #UnitedFront #Canada
#china #nz #unitedfront #canada
On another and much more sad note, the gunman who attacked a presbyterian church congregation with strong links to #Taiwan in the Bay Area seems to have been motivated by political reasons.
That guy who had been raised in Taiwan before moving to the #UnitedStates was a supporter of a #unification of #China and #Taiwan and a radical opponent of independence. #Beijing's toxic propaganda and #UnitedFront nonsense seems to have ended in a tragedy, sadly.
#taiwan #unitedstates #unification #china #beijing #unitedfront
Seriously: If the #KMT wants to become an irrelevant fringe party and one of the little cogs in #Beijing's #UnitedFront efforts against #Taiwan, it should go into the next presidential #elections with #JawShawKong as its candidate. Endorsed by the formidable (uhumm...) #HanKuoyu, this reactionary advocate of a unification with Chinese characteristics (read annexation and submission) rightfully has come out as the most mistrusted politician in a recent survey. 1/2
#unitedfront #kmt #beijing #taiwan #elections #JawShawKong #hankuoyu
Wie so oft war die von #China angestossene #Propaganda kontraproduktiv:
#MilosVystrcil wurde mit 73 von 77 möglichen Stimmen glanzvoll als Senatspräsident bestätigt - eine #Ohrfeige für Peking.
#MichaelWinkler betreibt übrigens nicht nur Rufmord im Auftrag von Peking, sondern zusammen mit seinem Geschäftspartner #RobertMojzes auch die sehr tendenziöse Website #EurAsiaInfo. Dieser wird eine sehr enge Verbindung zum kommunistischen chinesischen Staat nachgesagt.
#china #propaganda #MilosVystrcil #ohrfeige #MichaelWinkler #RobertMojzes #EurAsiaInfo #unitedfront #cze
Als Präsident des Senats stand #MilosVystrcil diese Woche zur Wiederwahl.
Wenige Tage zuvor tauchte ein Schreiben auf, das Vystrcil der Annahme von USD 4 Mio anlässlich seines Besuchs an #Taiwan und somit der #Korruption bezichtigte.
Unterschrieben war dieser Brief, Teil der #Propaganda von #China, von #MichaelWinkler, Geschäftsführer des in #Winterthur ansässigen Rückversicherers #RefinSol.
Ein Schweizer, der #UnitedFront-Drecksarbeit erledigt?
#tschechischerepublik #MilosVystrcil #taiwan #korruption #propaganda #china #MichaelWinkler #winterthur #RefinSol #unitedfront