Can't say it often enough: I am glad to have found mastodon, a fuckin real social medium!
Thank you, @Gargron!
#gomastodon #peace #unitedindiversity
@wdlindsy 😎🤔 All it's about is histrionic Musk's incessant need for attention.
An attention-addict controls the birdsite, disregarding the former social medium's users besides right & wrong!
Decide for yourselves, if you want to be thrown under the bus by a deeply disordered billionaire, pursuing solely his own pathological whims!
#Freedom #GoMastodon #Incorruptible #Fediverse #UnitedInDiversity #UnitedStrongerTogether
#freedom #gomastodon #incorruptible #fediverse #unitedindiversity #unitedstrongertogether
@lindyli Isn't it a miracle, that instead of offering a platform serving & helping all Americans (even their own constituents), all so-called "Republicans" are offering is the very personal destruction of their opponents' lives?
#DefendDemocracy #DefendAmerica #UnitedInDiversity #AmericaMoves
#defenddemocracy #defendamerica #unitedindiversity #americamoves
@aby You're absolute right, it shouldn't be like this!
Society should ideally be inclusive, not exclusive!
Like Christian teachings originally tell, sadly forgotten by too many, who call themselves "Christians", while at the same time sporting anti-Christian "survival of the fittest" ideologies!
Hoping things will get better for you & that special needs of people will get more attention!
#StrongerTogether #UnitedInDiversity
#strongertogether #unitedindiversity
@Penny_G It's a movement of sociopaths, with deepest disregard for right & wrong — and manners.
That's why they love Trump: He's their king of sociopaths!
Unmannered, uneducated, unhinged, unchristian & un-American.
Psychiatric treatment, accompanied by going to school again & doing community service may help to get them back into society!
#americasbetterthanthis #unitedindiversity
@georgetakei Time again to remember the U.S. Army's 442nd Infantry Regiment, *most decorated* in U.S. military history & mostly composed of 2nd-generation Japanese Americans, who even fought fascism in Europe & died, while their loved ones were held in U.S internment camps!
#history #drainracism #unitedindiversity
@lolgop 👍👍👍 No way around a united, diverse & strong American community movement.
"United in Diversity" is the new "E Pluribus Unum"!
#defenddemocracy #defendamerica #unitedindiversity
Today is Warnock day in Georgia!
#DefendDemocracy #StandWithFreedom #UnitedInDiversity
#defenddemocracy #standwithfreedom #unitedindiversity
@Kyleric Law enforcement's attitude towards the notion of "duty" obviously needs further discussion in superior circles of government!
Not to mention discussing the appropriateness of the use of force.
#ruleoflaw #savelives #defenddemocracy #unitedindiversity
@akingson Actually the swastika as a graphic symbol is much older than the time of Hitler's birth, the Nazis & the confederate rebels' flag.
While both are certainly seen as expressions of murderous racist attitudes, policies & crimes today. And both should be banned!
In Germany publicly showing the swastika as a symbol of an anti-constitutional entity is prohibited.
The same should apply to the racist & insurrectionary confederate battle flag
#drainracism #unitedindiversity
@therobburgessshow The "ugly irony is that when the Nazis rejected American law, it was often because they found it too harsh. For example, Nazi observers shuddered at the “human hardness” of the “one drop” rule, which classified people “of predominantly white appearance” as blacks. To them, American racism was sometimes simply too inhumane."
America defeated Nazis abroad - but not at home. Homework to do!
#DefendAmerica #UnitedInDiversity #HumanityMatters
#defendamerica #unitedindiversity #humanitymatters
😎👋👋👋 Welcome to mastodon, @RunningResister! Let's try to be a better networking community on this *real* social medium!
#welcome #strongertogether #unitedindiversity
😎😏🤔 Why does it appear, that folks coming to the fediverse placing blue birdsite checkmarks on their profiles very much resemble French nobles fleeing to neighboring countries to escape the revolution of 1789?
#GoMastodon #DropYourCheckmarks #EqualBeforeMastodon #UnitedInDiversity
#gomastodon #dropyourcheckmarks #equalbeforemastodon #unitedindiversity
@godpod Well, that's sth you likely need to know about today's
"Republican conservatism"!
#RuleOfLaw #SaveLives #UnitedInDiversity #BanTheGOP #UnAmericanActivities
#ruleoflaw #savelives #unitedindiversity #banthegop #unamericanactivities
@juddlegum So Kanye still socializes with the insurrection inciter & thief of masses of federal property, who called African nations & Haiti "shithole countries"?
Good to know!
#DrainRacism #DefendDemocracy #UnitedInDiversity #IndictTrump
#drainracism #defenddemocracy #unitedindiversity #indicttrump
@ReflexVE 😎🙆🙆🙆 Glad to have found to mastodon!
No regrets about leaving the manipulative birdsite!
#TruthWins #Twexit #Freedom #StrongerTogether #UnitedInDiversity
#truthwins #twexit #freedom #strongertogether #unitedindiversity
@hackerfactor @lauren Nope! It will make social media entities act more responsibly & lawfully, hopefully for the common good & complying with (inter)national security interests to ensure stability & kind of wider-ranging societal consensus.
#RuleOfLaw vs #Disinformation #Incitement #Misinformation #UnitedInDiversity
#ruleoflaw #disinformation #incitement #misinformation #unitedindiversity
@dwnews_bot Good idea! Now put some more force into that resolution!
Confiscate assets of those FIFA execs, who voted for the world cup tournament to go to Qatar!
#RuleOfLaw #Corruption #Bribery #SlaveLabor #HumanRights #UnitedInDiversity
#ruleoflaw #corruption #bribery #slavelabor #humanrights #unitedindiversity
@rbreich How American racists & Hitler's Nazis fertilized each other:
"Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People’s Court, declared that American jurisprudence “would suit us perfectly.”"
#RuleOfLaw #HumanityMatters #UnitedInDiversity
#ruleoflaw #humanitymatters #unitedindiversity
@AdamParkhomenko Billy Ray Valentine would *always* outsmart Herschel Walker!
While Walker might also find his way into any unflattering storybook.