Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
9 followers · 17206 posts · Server
Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
9 followers · 17104 posts · Server
Ihthisham · @unearth
1478 followers · 484 posts · Server
Ihthisham · @unearth
1478 followers · 482 posts · Server

Alan Turing was a British mathematician, computer scientist, and logician who is widely considered to be one of the most influential figures in the history of computing. In 1936, he published a paper that introduced the concept of a universal Turing machine, which is a theoretical machine that can perform any computation that any other computing machine can perform. This concept laid the foundation for modern computer science and the development of electronic computers. During World War II, Turing worked at Bletchley Park, where he helped crack German codes using the Enigma machine. This work is estimated to have shortened the war in Europe by at least two years and saved countless lives. After the war, Turing continued to work on the development of electronic computers and contributed to the field of artificial intelligence.

Despite his significant contributions to science and technology, Turing faced significant personal troubles. In 1952, he was convicted of homosexuality, which was illegal in the UK at the time. He was given the choice of imprisonment or chemical castration, and he chose the latter. The hormone treatments that Turing received had severe side effects and caused him great distress. In 1954, Turing died by suicide at the age of 41. It wasn't until decades later that his contributions were widely recognized and he was posthumously pardoned for his conviction. Turing's life and legacy continue to inspire generations of scientists and computer scientists, and his contributions have had a profound impact on modern society.

#gender #chemicalcastration #unitedkindom #uk #history #lgbthistory #coding #computersciene #moreyouknow #withalttext #lgbt #trans #genderqueer #nonbinary

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
1476 followers · 472 posts · Server

Ministers in Northern Ireland have previously said they plan to increase the minimum age of marriage to 18 but with the devolved government not currently functioning legislation cannot be brought forward.


Payzee Mahmod, who was born in Kurdistan and came to the UK at the age of 11, was married at 16 to a man nearly twice her age. Her sister, Banaz, who was married at 17, was murdered in a so-called “honour” killing in 2006. Now a campaigner for the IKWRO women’s rights organisation, Mahmod told the Guardian in 2020 that her sister “was forced into a child marriage to a stranger and there was no law to protect her”.

She added that girls like her and her sister were victims of “subtle institutionalised racism”, adding: “None of my teachers, social workers, neighbours, all those wedding shop retailers … nobody asked if I was safe. All that tells me is that it is because of how I look and where I’m from.”

In 2021 the government’s Forced Marriage Unit intervened in 118 cases involving child victims; courts have also issued 3,343 forced marriage protection orders – preventing someone from using threats, violence or emotional abuse as a way to force a person into marriage – between their introduction in 2008 and September 2022.

The charity Karma Nirvana, which has protected girls as young as 11 from child marriage and is a member of the Girls Not Brides coalition, assisted 177 children at risk of forced marriage through its helpline between 2020 and 2022.

#goodnews #news #politics #childmarriage #children #uk #unitedkindom

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
1476 followers · 471 posts · Server

Minimum marriage age rises to 18 in England and Wales

A new law increasing the legal age of marriage to 18 has come into force in England and Wales.

Previously people could get married at 16 or 17 if they had parental consent and there was no law against ceremonies for younger children which were not registered with local councils.

The new legislation also covers non-legally binding ceremonies.

The government said the changes would help protect vulnerable children from being forced into marriage.

Previously forced marriage was only an offence if coercion, such as threats, was used.

But under the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act, it is now illegal to arrange for children to marry under any circumstances, whether or not force is used.

Those found guilty of the offence face up to seven years in prison.

The changes do not apply in Scotland and Northern Ireland, where the minimum age for marriage will remain 16. In Northern Ireland parental consent is required for those under 18 but not in Scotland.

#goodnews #children #childmarriage #news #uk #unitedkindom #progress #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

Sovereign · @Sovereign
4 followers · 37 posts · Server

At this point in time, if does decide to flood the with a giant wave of radioactive destruction and sink us forever, can you really blame him..

The scum that is controlling the and is in charge of the government are swamp rats in need of drowning.

Yes, we the people would all perish too, but with the waves of covid variants and vaccination side effect that has been deliberately allowed to poison the majority of us, we are already dammed.

Crack on Putin I say..

#Putin #unitedkindom #uk

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
677 followers · 67 posts · Server

Single-use plastic cutlery and plates to be banned in England

It is not clear when the ban will come into effect but it follows similar moves by Scotland and Wales.

The confirmation of the move from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) follows a long consultation, which will be published on Saturday 14 January.

Each person in England uses an average of 18 single-use plastic plates and 37 items of plastic cutlery every year, according to Defra, while just 10% of those are recycled.

Similar bans have already been made in Scotland, while single-use plastic straws, stirrers and plastic stemmed cotton buds were already banned in England in 2020.

Scotland introduced a ban on businesses using a range of single-use plastic goods in June last year. Laws for a similar ban in Wales were approved in December and will come into force later in 2023.

*This latest measure does not, however, cover items found in supermarkets or shops. The government said it would address those by other means.*

#pollution #globalwarming #england #uk #unitedkindom #plastic

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
592 followers · 64 posts · Server

Census data reveals LGBT+ populations the first time

More than 1.3 million people in England and Wales identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual, census data has revealed for the first time.

For people aged 16 and over, more than 1.5% - 748,000 - identify as gay or lesbian, and 624,000 (1.3%) as bisexual.

Some 165,000 people identify as "other" sexual orientations.

And 262,000 people (0.5%) said their gender identity was different from their sex registered at birth.

Scotland's census was delayed due to the pandemic, but its responses are expected to be released later this year.

Northern Ireland's didn't include a question about gender identity. The responses to its question on sexual orientation are also due to be published this year.

Information about how age groups and ethnicity intersect with these figures hasn't yet been released. However, previous surveys found 16-24-year-olds are more likely to identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual, and in recent years there has been a small gradual decline in the number of people identifying as exclusively straight.

Canada is the only other country so far to have released data related to gender identity.

New Zealand will also include similar questions in its census in 2023.

Source :

Alternative :

(The independent got the interactive map of the statistics)

#lgbt #lesbian #gay #trans #pride #humans #statistics #uk #unitedkindom

Last updated 2 years ago

Skaly · @skaly
328 followers · 11 posts · Server
Duncan Batey · @FakePlasticDunk
56 followers · 332 posts · Server
ATellurian · @ATellurian
34 followers · 293 posts · Server
DesignUneed · @DesignUneed
444 followers · 103 posts · Server
DesignUneed · @DesignUneed
444 followers · 103 posts · Server
DesignUneed · @DesignUneed
444 followers · 103 posts · Server
hichnos7 · @hichnos7
34 followers · 582 posts · Server
· @MarcelGomes
102 followers · 912 posts · Server


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

#queenelizabeth #unitedkindom

Last updated 2 years ago