Why I am staying in the #umc #unitedmethodist church: https://johnicarney.medium.com/71711409cc89
When our local #UnitedMethodist church announced it was #disaffiliating from the #UMC, I thought that was one of the worst spiritual things I’d ever been through. (Clyde and I, and our families, and people like us, were essentially cast out of a local church our family had founded and nurtured for generations.)
And now, being a part of a small “church plant” — a home church, just starting up — is one of the best spiritual things I’ve ever experienced. Go figure.
#unitedmethodist #disaffiliating #umc
As a #UnitedMethodist lay speaker, when I prepare a sermon I copy and paste my scripture passage into the Word document where I write my sermon. It always amuses me when Word highlights grammar or style errors in the scripture text and invites me to correct them. No, Microsoft, I think I'll be leaving that part of the text alone....
Summarizing Malcom and Ramirez's report, Cynthia Astle writes,
"A common theme among the interviewees was their devotion to Methodism, Ramirez said. 'They would indicate they were, "born a Methodist," and there was such a strong foundation involved, that even though they were being spiritually abused,' they stayed in the church."
Sociologists Nancy Malcom and A.J. Ramirez report the results of interviews they conducted with more than 1,500 LGBTQ United Methodists about why they continue with the UMC, when it teaches officially that “homosexual practice” is “incompatible with Christian teaching” and when powerful forces within the UMC are pushing UMC churches that refuse to accept the full equality of LGBTQ human beings to split the UMC over this issue.
Judge rejects FUMC’s request for restraining order against state conference | #UnitedMethodist #Methodists
A certain priest gave a homily on this carol last night. Me. I’m the priest. #OHolyNight
RT @rmnetwork@twitter.com
From all of us at Reconciling Ministries Network: we wish you a Christmas full of the joy and love of God.
#faithfullylgbt #lgbtq #umc #unitedmethodist
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rmnetwork/status/1607014322101800961
#oholynight #faithfullylgbt #lgbtq #umc #unitedmethodist
Word is the Judicial Council has decided the 2024 GC is actually the 2020 GC, same delegates, etc.
Not sure whether this is good or bad. Will have to read the ruling and wait for smarter people to interpret for me; I'm just not devious enough to see the good and bad.
#unitedmethodist #gc2024 #gc2020 #umc
Blue Christmas service in the books. Small crowd, but it doesn't matter. This is seriously becoming one of my favorite services of the whole year. #Church #Christian #UnitedMethodist #UnitedMethodistChurch
#BlueChristmas #WMT #WCT
#church #christian #unitedmethodist #unitedmethodistchurch #bluechristmas #WMT #wct
My interests include
#Chess #Chesspunks #Cycling #walks #Parksandgreenspaces #NorthTexas #UnitedMethodist #Universalism #Ambientmusic, #Softsynths, #Can-jo, #sciencefiction #novella, #prairies, #BirdingTX, #Birding #smalltowns, #Linux, #q4os, #weirdbientmusic #diymusician #Kindness, #woodlands, #Arkansas, #dreamwidth #democraticparty, #cactus, #adoptablackdog, #creeks, #drmfree, #law,
#paths, #stopactionanimation, #Texasvistas.
#texasvistas #stopactionanimation #paths #law #drmfree #creeks #adoptablackdog #cactus #democraticparty #dreamwidth #arkansas #woodlands #kindness #diymusician #weirdbientmusic #q4os #linux #smalltowns #birding #birdingtx #prairies #novella #sciencefiction #can #softsynths #ambientmusic #universalism #unitedmethodist #northtexas #parksandgreenspaces #walks #cycling #chesspunks #chess #suburbanwildlifephotography
It’s disappointing how people have turned #UnitedMethodist schism into a kind of cottage industry or platform building endeavor. Is that kind of the equivalent of being ambulance chasers in the attorney space? We all have to make a living somehow I suppose.
Anyone else having an issue with UMdata.org ?