Tato Pece · @Pece
597 followers · 3681 posts · Server aus.social

If I had the means, land, resources, etc. to create an , I think I would create a sanctuary. For all the poor, old, unwanted cats out there, to potentially be their forever home, or possibly their temporary home before they get adopted in a true forever home with a loving family. I would need a lot of fencing and wire to ensure no wildlife encounters and escape occurs! 😂

Second on my list would be a and sanctuary (kept separately of course*), where they can have space to live out their lives in peace. I have been thinking about chickens and all other forms of birds lately, in terms of a perspective. A recent estimate** in terms of the number of land animals killed for food (that huge number you always see ranting on about), is now estimated at 92.2 billion for 2023. The majority of those individuals would be birds of one sort of another, primarily chickens. 🐔🐣

Thinking about it some more, I came across this piece by of and the unfortunate views of *** when it comes to his viewpoints regarding chickens:


I say unfortunate, as the "Father of Animal Liberation****", it really saddens me to see his views exposed so clearly and his disdain for chickens shown so plainly. I suppose he is being practical/centrist/unemotive/etc. in his views, and perhaps he is trying to reach more people, by appearing more flexible and open, so that others out there that are not yet would consider the option of becoming vegan and embrace this philosophy for life. But really, not to be that , but he almost sounds like a , being open to eat what he can when travelling, not upsetting hosts when invited over to dinner, and being ok with backyard hens and their eggs.

I guess it is easy to bash on someone that has done so much for the animal rights movement, but I do think that it is important to call out people, no matter how loved or famous, if some of their views dont correspond to the rest of their actions and stated beliefs and philosophies.*****

In the meanwhile, I will continue imagining all the animals I will try and save one day, but really I am more grateful for the many (though not enough) sanctuaries out there that are currently giving animals of all sorts (least of all, chickens) a safe presence, away from the living nightmare that is the reality of the majority of their species existence. 🌱

*Probably easier than trying to desex poultry!
***I have tooted about him before: aus.social/@Pece/1104105578707
****I think this is given to him by others, I have never seen him claim this title.
*****Not that I am famous, but I am happy to be called out by my actions and words if they are not aligned and happy to make corrections accordingly.

#animalsanctuary #cat #chicken #rooster #veganism #vegans #karendavis #unitedpoultryconcerns #petersinger #vegan #annoyingvegan #flexitarian #govegan #animalrights #VeganForTheAnimals

Last updated 1 year ago