A #ULA #AtlasV 4-meter fairing, hand-painted with the #NASA logo, the #RBSP program logo, the #UnitedStatesFlag, and the #AtlasProgram #logo. The 4-meter fairing provides less volume for payloads than the 5 meter version, but weighs less.
After launch, the Radiation Belt Storm Probes were renamed the Van Allen Probes once in orbit, and continue to study the Van Allen Belts and Earth’s magnetosphere.
#RadiationBeltStormProbes, #RBSP, #NASA, #UnitedLaunchAlliance, #VanAllenProbes, #rocket, #Atlasrocket #AtlasVrocket #MightyAtlas (#ToryBrunoCallsItThatNotFox).
#ula #atlasv #nasa #rbsp #unitedstatesflag #atlasprogram #logo #radiationbeltstormprobes #unitedlaunchalliance #vanallenprobes #rocket #atlasrocket #atlasvrocket #mightyatlas #torybrunocallsitthatnotfox