That dynamic is in sharp focus in #UniteHereLocal11's strike against #OrangeCounty's #LagunaCliffsMarriottResort.
The #UNITEHERE strike turns on the usual issues like a living wage (hotel staff are paid so little they have to rent rooming-house beds *by the shift*, paying for the right to sleep in a room for a few hours at a time, without any permanent accommodation).
#uniteherelocal11 #orangecounty #lagunacliffsmarriottresort #unitehere
#activism #allblacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #cluejustice #espaƱol #faithinaction #faithrootedorganizing #judaism #labor #liberationtheology #nonviolence #nuhw #orangecounty #plantationcapitalism #radjews #sisepuede #uniteherelocal11 #yiddish
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#activism #allblacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #cluejustice #espanol #faithinaction #faithrootedorganizing #judaism #labor #LiberationTheology #nonviolence #NUHW #orangecounty #plantationcapitalism #radjews #sisepuede #uniteherelocal11 #yiddish