RT @kristinwey@twitter.com
To every decent person in this country, in our UK, I say, now more than ever, after yesterday's despicable, inhumane announcement about the #Rwanda #deportations #GeneralElectionNow
Also #RejoinEU #UniteNotDivide #RwandaNotInMyName #RefugeesWelcome #GTTO #GTTONow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kristinwey/status/1605139107709059072
#rwanda #deportations #GeneralElectionNOW #toriesout166 #RejoinEU #unitenotdivide #RwandaNotInMyName #refugeeswelcome #gtto #GTTONow
RT @kristinwey@twitter.com
To every decent person in this country, in our UK, I say, now more than ever, after yesterday's despicable, inhumane announcement about the #Rwanda #deportations #GeneralElectionNow
Also #RejoinEU #UniteNotDivide #RwandaNotInMyName #RefugeesWelcome #GTTO #GTTONow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kristinwey/status/1605139107709059072
#rwanda #deportations #GeneralElectionNow #ToriesOut166 #RejoinEU #unitenotdivide #rwandanotinmyname #refugeeswelcome #GTTO #gttonow
We use the term #TwitterRefugee
to signify that most of us didn't WANT TO leave, but we are also not going to stay for the abuse that comes w what the platform has become. We are STILL fighting, just in different platforms that don't tolerate rampant abusive behavior.
I don't get how marginalized communities that built Twitter are getting flack for leaving. We shouldn't HAVE TO fight the same battles over and over. Some of us just want a better space.
#someofusaretired #unitenotdivide #twitterrefugee