Who could've seen that coming?
"The Guardian has identified a trainee nurse and reported US air force reservist called Bailey Ross as the proprietor of a white nationalist publisher in South Dakota.
"Ross was also a paid-up member of a white nationalist organization that marched at Charlottesville while enlisted in the United States Coast Guard."
#identityevropa #identitarian #coastguard #airforce #acab #unitetheright #whitenationalism
#identityevropa #identitarian #CoastGuard #airforce #acab #unitetheright #whitenationalism
This coming weekend, the fascists are congregating again at the American Renaissance Conference in #Burns #Tennesssee. They have escalated in recent years and must know they are fiercely opposed.
Burns is about an hour from #Nashville and we need all the support and protestors we can get. We cannot let this tumor grow within our communities.
#TN #Antifa #USA #USpol #Fascists #UniteTheRight #AmericanRenaissanceConference #Antifascism #CommunityDefense #Protest #Defense #Solidarity
#burns #tennesssee #nashville #tn #antifa #usa #uspol #fascists #unitetheright #AmericanRenaissanceConference #antifascism #communitydefense #protest #defense #solidarity
To me, they look exactly like what they are:
a whining, griping, army of disgruntled losers who are really angry that the Confederacy lost the Civil War, 150+ years ago. They feel they’ve missed out on a lot, especially what what people of their lowly ilk perceived as a God-given right to “own” Black people, even to rape, beat, torture, and murder them with impunity.
#racist #racists #racism #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #MAGA #KKK #Nazis #Republicans #GOP #UniteTheRight
#unitetheright #gop #republicans #nazis #kkk #MAGA #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #Racism #racists #racist
RT @SunlightAFA
In August 2017, 'Levi' doubled the reach of the #UniteTheRight hashtag on Twitter.
At ~93k followers PNN was arguably the most influential account promoting UTR.
RT @SunlightAFA
In August 2017, 'Levi' doubled the reach of the #UniteTheRight hashtag on Twitter.
At ~93k followers PNN was arguably the most influential account promoting UTR.
#michigan #dragshow #lgbtq #trans #republicans #bookstore #hate #unitetheright #antisemitism #charlottesville #tiki #royaloak #racism #transphobia #homophobia
Updated | Charlottesville's #UniteTheRight white supremacist rally was born and nurtured in the same far right propaganda that it was subsequently used to generate:
Feds move to seize money from imprisoned #WhiteSupremacist James Alex Fields, Jr. who killed Heather Heyer in 2017 when Fields deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people peacefully protesting the #UniteTheRight rally in #Charlottesville, #Virginia, killing Heyer and injuring 35.
#CharlottesvilleCarAttack #HeatherHeyer
#whitesupremacist #unitetheright #charlottesville #virginia #charlottesvillecarattack #heatherheyer
I disagree with this guy, but he's definitely got that #FloridaMan thing down.
Changes his last name to Von Nukem because he likes Duke Nukem, front & center for the #UniteTheRight rally in 2017, later gets nabbed with 33 POUNDS of fentanyl, and offs himself the day his drug trafficking trial starts.
#PurpleDressUTR aka Brittany Venti with Baked Alaksa at Unite the Right.
RT @SeditionSleuth@twitter.com
I see #FreeBrittanyVenti is trending and I’d just like to remind everybody that Brittany Venti gleefully marched alongside violent Neo Nazis in Charlottesville at #UniteTheRight. https://twitter.com/luke_turner/status/1493227913579315206
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeditionSleuth/status/1617246051341316096
#PurpleDressUTR #freebrittanyventi #unitetheright
RT @SeditionSleuth
I see #FreeBrittanyVenti is trending and I’d just like to remind everybody that Brittany Venti gleefully marched alongside violent Neo Nazis in Charlottesville at #UniteTheRight. https://twitter.com/luke_turner/status/1493227913579315206
#freebrittanyventi #unitetheright
please welcome Ignite the Right, prolific and devoted antifascist researchers, to the fediverse
#ff #followfriday #antifa #HeatherHeyer #UniteTheRight #Charlottesville #antifascism #antifascist #NazisFuckOff
#FF #followfriday #antifa #heatherheyer #unitetheright #charlottesville #antifascism #antifascist #nazisfuckoff
Amerika in Aufruhr
Von Charlottesville zum Sturm aufs Kapitol
Ein erstaunlicher und aufrüttelnder Bericht, der die Bedrohung durch gewalttätige, rechtsextreme Gruppen in den USA untersucht, die sich selbst als Verteidiger der Verfassung sehen, aber mit regierungsfeindlichen, rassistischen Ideologien und Kriminalität verbunden sind.
#USPol #Charlottesville #UniteTheRight #Rechtsextremismus #Antisemitismus #RechteNetzwerke #RechteGewalt #6Januar #Kapitolsturm #RechteMilizen #ProudBoys #OathKeepers #BoogalooBoys #ThreePercenters
#ThreePercenters #BoogalooBoys #oathkeepers #proudboys #rechtemilizen #Kapitolsturm #6Januar #rechtegewalt #rechtenetzwerke #antisemitismus #rechtsextremismus #unitetheright #charlottesville #uspol
Head organizer of #unitetheright Jason Kessler was meeting with staffers for freshly elected AZ representative Eli Crane (Yuma), if you're keeping track of the nazi sympathizers in congress and where they're coming from.
So much for congress taking seriously the task of preventing the threat of another #J6 from happening, I guess. Here's neonazi and head organizer Jason Kessler of the deadly 2017 #unitetheright rally in #charlottesville waltzing around inside the US Capitol. Today. Now.
#J6 #unitetheright #charlottesville
Don’t call them ultra-nationalist, alt-right, far right, radical right, or semi-fascist. Only one word describes the MAGA movement...
#MAGA #MAGAGA #Fascist #Fascists #Republicans #GOP #Trump #Biden #Racism #Nationalism #ChristianNationalism #OathKeepers #BoogalooBois #IIIPercenters #ProudBoys #BrownShirts #BlackShirts #UniteTheRight #WhiteSupremacy #CulturalMarxism #Hitler #Mussolini #UmbertoEco #FarRight #UltraNationalist #AltRight #RadicalRight #SemiFascist
#MAGA #magaga #fascist #fascists #republicans #gop #trump #biden #Racism #Nationalism #ChristianNationalism #oathkeepers #boogaloobois #iiipercenters #proudboys #brownshirts #blackshirts #unitetheright #whitesupremacy #culturalmarxism #hitler #mussolini #umbertoeco #farright #ultranationalist #altright #RadicalRight #semifascist
Confederate monument to be removed from Virginia capital
#Charlottesville #UniteTheRight #WhitePower
just the news you need, in seconds
#charlottesville #unitetheright #whitepower
'He Won't Disavow His Own People': White Nationalist Richard Spencer Explains Why Trump Won't Disavow the Movement | Right Wing Watch
White nationalist Richard Spencer appeared on far-right streamer Ethan Ralph's "Killstream" program Saturday, where he explained that former President Donald Trump won’t denounce Nick Fuentes—the racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, America-hating, Christian fascist leader of the white nationalist America First movement—because Trump "doesn’t disavow his own people."
#USPol #WhiteNationalism #ChristianNationalism #WhiteChristianNationalism #Racism #Antisemitism #AmericaFirst #AltRight #UniteTheRight #Charlottesville #MAGA #DonaldTrump #NickFuentes #Ye #KanyeWest #RichardSpencer #MarALagoDinner
#maralagodinner #richardspencer #kanyewest #ye #nickfuentes #donaldtrump #maga #charlottesville #unitetheright #altright #americafirst #antisemitism #racism #WhiteChristianNationalism #ChristianNationalism #whitenationalism #uspol
The Right's antisemitism, out in the open
Ye, Fuentes and Trump are only the tip of the iceberg. The Right's antisemitism runs way deeper. Hold them accountable.
#USPol #Ye #KanyeWest #NickFuentes #DonaldTrump #RonDeSantis #AlexJones #Infowars #Antisemitism #NeoNazism #WhiteNationalism #FarRight #RightWing #Extremism #Nazis #Hitler #Charlottesville #UniteTheRight #GOP #USRepublicans #RepublicanParty
#republicanparty #USRepublicans #gop #unitetheright #charlottesville #hitler #nazis #extremism #rightwing #farright #whitenationalism #neonazism #antisemitism #infowars #alexjones #rondesantis #donaldtrump #nickfuentes #kanyewest #ye #uspol
Aufmarsch der Faschisten - Die rechtsradikale Tradition in den USA - 54books
von Annika Brockschmidt und Thomas Lecaque Im September 2022 starteten Mitglieder der Patriot Front, einer amerikanischen Neonazi-Organisation, einen Flashmob in Indianapolis. Die etwa…
#USPol #PatriotFront #Neonazis #Faschisten #Aufmarsch #Flashmob #ProLife #RechteGewalt #WhiteNationalism #WhiteSupremacy #SozialeMedien #DogWhistles #GreatReplacement #Verschwörungserzählung #VanguardAmerica #UniteTheRight #Charlottesville #KKK #KuKluxKlan
#uspol #patriotfront #neonazis #faschisten #aufmarsch #flashmob #prolife #rechtegewalt #whitenationalism #whitesupremacy #sozialemedien #dogWhistles #greatreplacement #verschworungserzahlung #vanguardamerica #unitetheright #Charlottesville #kkk #kukluxklan