Erster Aufbau, die fehlenden Gleisstücke für den Innenkreis sind geordert 🤗
Habe bisher nur große Radien vom Teppichbahning....

Wie immer unbezahlte unbestellte Werbung wegen Markennamen, dient nur der genauen Beschreibung

#Modelleisenbahn #Modellbahn #spurn #kato #unitrack

Last updated 1 year ago

Since my model railroad project is going to be a long-term thing, I'm taking my time getting used to basic stuff like building cardboard ramps to play with steepness levels. Old packaging is very useful for that.

I'm only experimenting right now, not even prototyping anything. But the eventual track layout slowly comes together in my head.

I'm still not sure wether or not to use those tracks. I really fancy that with the grey roadbed. But it's quite costy and I already have those Minitrix tracks from ages ago.

#minitrix #kato #unitrack #ngauge #spurn #modelrailroad #dudebuildingamodelrailroad

Last updated 1 year ago