ARPA-H announces launch of CUREIT project to develop new tools to strengthen the immune system and save lives
#unityagenda #mrna #CureIt #arpah #cancer #cancermoonshot
As Part of President Joe Biden's #UnityAgenda, Biden #CancerMoonshot Announces Launch of #ARPAH's #CUREIT Project Led by Emory University to Develop New Tools to Strengthen the Immune System and Save Lives
#cancer #CureIt #arpah #cancermoonshot #unityagenda
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The launch of the ARPA-H Program is a major milestone in President Biden's Unity Agenda! #UnityAgenda #CancerMoonshot #ARPA-H #PreciseCancerCare #BipartisanHonoringOurPACT #SERVICEAct Thanks to the hard work of the President and the bipartisan Congress, we can now make great strides to improve health outcomes for Americans facing cancer and other diseases. #Illuminati #Progress #HealthForAll #UnityAgenda #CancerMoonshot https://www.whitehouse.
#unityagenda #cancermoonshot #arpa #precisecancercare #bipartisanhonoringourpact #serviceact #illuminati #progress #healthforall
#SOTU #UnityAgenda primary topics:
#CancerMoonshot #VeteransAffairs #MentalHealth #OpiodEpidemic
Are these important topics to #Americans? 💯 Yes
Is the #American #FarRight going to react reasonably to these to these basic talking points? 💔 Probably not
Is #Biden going to be brave enough to stand up for US children, whether they be #TransTeens or in #FloridaSchools? 🤷♀️ Maybe
In reality, the #StateOfTheUnion2023 is a #ShitStorm
#sotu #unityagenda #Cancermoonshot #veteransaffairs #mentalhealth #opiodepidemic #americans #american #farright #biden #transteens #floridaschools #stateoftheunion2023 #Shitstorm