@karlstanley @dublininquirer Find someone who is willing to pursue a case on grounds of discrimination - older people, pregnant people, disabled people - and support them through the process.
Failure to provide public toilets - and public seating - is an accessibility, equality, and human rights issue issue.
#accessibility #equality #UniversalDesign #discrimination #disabling #a11y
#accessibility #equality #universaldesign #discrimination #disabling #a11y
Playbook for universal design: https://universaldesignguide.com/
A great place to find tools, methods, frameworks to include in your design process to build more inclusive and universal products and services. The methods can be filtered by phases of the design process (double diamond), types (warm-ups, etc). This also comes with tips to facilitate workshops and a set of "ability prompts" to help understand the impact of different disabilities when you design.
#designmethods #universaldesign
Woooop woop. First time being submitted to UX Design! I'm stoked. Come learn about how the design choices you make can impact your site, for better or worse. https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/10-ways-you-can-improve-your-design-and-accessibility-practices-21df4130ef02 #webdev #webdevelopment #Coding #accessibility #a11y #design #ux #ui #inclusive #universaldesign #bebetter #webdesign #wcag #software #softwaredevelopment #dev #developer
#webdev #webdevelopment #coding #accessibility #a11y #design #ux #ui #inclusive #universaldesign #bebetter #webdesign #wcag #software #softwaredevelopment #dev #developer
I'm a cradle #Catholic. I did all the stuff (Baptism, Fist Communion, Confirmation) as a wee lad. I was born here all my life. When I was around four years old, the church kicked out my mom and, by extension, my family. I explored other faiths, #meditation, #yoga, #Buddhism, and all the things. I wanted to not convert to a religion or practice that I had not been born to or wasn't otherwise ancestrally connected. I explored Protestant fellowships but soon began seeking "the deeper things" back in the lives of saints. This led to a deep dive into the #EarlyChurch Fathers and early church history. Entering the #OrthodoxChurch, I lived in several monasteries and wandered around the US like the guy in Way of a Pilgrim. I was ultimately drawn to #Theosis and the #PrayerOfTheHeart, sometimes called the #JesusPrayer. That church became tedious as well. Long story short, decades later, a pandemic, and a few ends of the world here I am. I recently stumbled across a podcast called the #PopeFrancisGeneration. I'm intrigued. I am listening. Let's see where my current studies lead.
Some of my interests:
#NewMexico #Ogapoge #SantaFe #SantaFeRiver #Water #Birds #Plants #Medicine #Hiking #Walking #NaturePhotography #Biophilia #Wilderness #Rewild #Rewilding #Regenerative #RegenerativeDesign #UniversalDesign #RegenerativeAg #RegenAg #AppropriateTechnology #Contemplation #Hesychasm #Prayer #Ancestors #Death #Dying #Grief #DeathDoula #DeathAdvocacy #Apophatic #RadicalCompassion #Compassion #SocialJustice #PublicHealth #SocialWork #EnvironmentalJustice #DisabilityRights #HealthEquity #Recovery #RecoveryPosse #Drawing #Writing #VisualThinking #WriteToThink #Journal #BulletJournal #SystemsChange #Humanrights #Inclusion #Accessability #InvisibleDisabilityRights #DisabilityVoice #RacialEquality #PublicHealth #Grief #Hospice #Humanrights #Food #Health #Fasting #Calsthenics #Movement
I'll continue to post interest hashtags in this thread to be.
#catholic #meditation #yoga #buddhism #earlychurch #orthodoxchurch #theosis #jesusprayer #popefrancisgeneration #newmexico #ogapoge #santafe #santaferiver #water #birds #plants #medicine #hiking #walking #naturephotography #biophilia #wilderness #rewild #rewilding #regenerative #RegenerativeDesign #universaldesign #regenerativeag #regenag #appropriatetechnology #ancestors #death #dying #grief #Hospice #deathdoula #deathadvocacy #radicalcompassion #compassion #socialjustice #publichealth #socialwork #environmentaljustice #disabilityrights #HealthEquity #drawing #writing #visualthinking #writetothink #journal #bulletjournal #systemschange #humanrights #inclusion #accessability #invisibledisabilityrights #disabilityvoice #racialequality #food #health #fasting #calsthenics #movement #introduction #introductions #prayeroftheheart #contemplation #prayer #hesychasm #apophatic #recovery #recoveryposse
Learn to Create Accessible Websites with the Principles of Universal Design
#ud #UniversalDesign #design #UIDesign #a11y
#ud #universaldesign #design #uidesign #a11y
If you've followed my good news links before, you'll know I really like grocery robots. But I also really like accessible design, and it's good to hear that Starship Technologies are talking to disabled people about their robots and hopefully are learning about universal design.
#GoodNews #Robots #Disability #Accessibility #Pedestrians #UniversalDesign
#goodnews #robots #disability #accessibility #pedestrians #universaldesign
@oneeyedman @Kyrylys Ay, sería genial! Los lectores de pantalla síque identifican los emojis pero claro, necesitaríamos que avisara cuando se acercan los enemigos, verbalizar los objetos que fuéramos encontrando, etc. @kastwey, te animas a ponerte con otros developers a hacer Rogule inclusivo?😉 Yo os hago de betatester🧝🏻♀️#UniversalDesign
Good piece on inclusive climate action from RTÉ's Colman O'Sullivan.
#Accessibility #ClimateEmergency #SustainableTransport #UniversalDesign
#accessibility #climateemergency #sustainabletransport #universaldesign
New study investigating experiences with #PublicTransport among people with psychosocial disabilities during and after the covid-19 pandemic. #UniversalDesign #MentalHealth https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0739885923000203?via%3Dihub
#publictransport #universaldesign #mentalhealth
Ideas and learning might be what’s bringing me the most joy lately. I just ordered this book by my new disability justice hero Aimi Hamraie. It’s called Building Access:
Universal Design and the Politics of Disability.
Aimi Hamraie is a professor who lives in Nasheville, and I learned about them in a lecture for my disability justice and accessible design certificate. They have a thrilling lecture that I want to watch again and again about design. I think I’m turning into a slut for design.
A cool thing is that Aimi Hamraie has an interest in permaculture. I suspect that they might have co-evolved something like Disabled Resilience Permaculture over in Tennessee.
Nulcear Nuevo Mexico by Myrriah Gómez is a book I recently bought that lights the fire of my mind also. Here it is on my altar before I started reading it.
How could that much crying bring me so much joy? Probably you know how there are so many kinds of joy.
Nothing like the truth to wipe that ignorance off of me. The truth hurts, but ignorance hurts more insidiously.
read more about what's bringing me the most joy lately:
#joy #learning #ideas #reading #truth #design #UniversalDesign #scholar #history #nuclear #altar
#joy #learning #ideas #reading #truth #design #universaldesign #scholar #history #nuclear #altar
@gus I'm looking forward to this! The cover art is beautiful!
You should have a look at Visual Utopias: https://visualutopias.com/
And https://www.opensourceecology.org/
And https://www.betterblock.org/ including https://www.betterblock.org/wikiblock
Best of luck! And please always remember that the #solarpunk future must be accessible to everyone! #UniversalDesign
Really interesting article about the need for #UniversalDesign to support #AgingInPlace
Of course, anything that makes #accessibility easier is good for all of us - but especially the disabled community
#universaldesign #aginginplace #accessibility
RT @BarbChamberlain
Really great FREE opportunity coming up April 19-20 thanks to @goSnotrac: Universal Design Forum with @AnnaZivarts keynote. Not to be missed! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcscu-srj4qGdcDnnVSKRTDNHVkLOH1xbOO #accessibility #UniversalDesign #MoveEquity #MobilityJustice #infrastructure
#accessibility #universaldesign #moveequity #MobilityJustice #infrastructure
Even though I have no disability that requires it, I so greatly appreciate when high intensity events/venues have a chill out space. #universaldesign
#DHNB2023 Workshop "To Serve Them All - Web Accessibility in Digital Humanities" will scrutinize our very own DHNB website https://dhnb.eu/ for #UniversalDesign improvements! Online workshop, more info and sign-up on the University of Bergen library's website: https://www.uib.no/en/digitallab/160243/serve-them-all-web-accessibility-digital-humanities
Learn to Create Accessible Websites with the Principles of Universal Design
https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/learn-to-create-accessible-websites-with-the-principles-of-universal-design #UIDesign #WebDesign #UniversalDesign
#uidesign #webdesign #universaldesign
@samlitzinger Wake me up when or if this TAB (https://dialogue.cpso.on.ca/2021/12/examining-the-root-causes-of-ableism/ - scroll down to near the end or search for "TAB") gets some real perspective on being #disabled, instead of this virulent "inspo-crip" rhetoric of "wow my life has chaaaaaaaanged because I don't meet society's arbitrary standards anymore" invective. #AbleismIsEverywhere #ableism
Let me also say that if #UniversalDesign were fully in place in the world, this would not be the "breaking news" story that it is. He would just be getting on with his life, and it would be an equal life to everyone else's - regardless of "gaining back" skills etc. #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs
Thus endeth the rant.
#disabled #ableismiseverywhere #ableism #universaldesign #nothingaboutuswithoutus
Let's remember who we are designing for.
Photo @jens_blume
#streetsforpeople #citiesforpeople #bicycle #bike #transport #children #kids #inclusivedesign #universaldesign
#StreetsForPeople #CitiesForPeople #bicycle #bike #transport #children #kids #inclusivedesign #universaldesign
Waarom #DesignForAll geen alternatief is voor #UniversalDesign
#EAA #Accessibility #toegankelijkheid #universaldesign #designforall
Waarom #DesignForAll geen alternatief is voor #UniversalDesign
#EAA #Accessibility #toegankelijkheid #universaldesign #designforall