A Systematic Approach to Universal Random Features in Graph Neural Networks
Billy Joe Franks, Markus Anders, Marius Kloft, Pascal Schweitzer
Action editor: Rémi Flamary.
A Systematic Approach to Universal Random Features in Graph Neural Networks
3: 'Human Rights Pluralistic Universality: A Bridge Between Global Norms and Cultural Diversity' by https://doi.org/10.1080/18918131.2023.2216088
#humanrights #universality #cultural #diversity #standards #UDHR #internationallaw
#humanrights #universality #cultural #diversity #standards #udhr #internationallaw
Renato Quagliani #EPFL shows in #CERN #LHC seminar the impressive new #LHCb measurement of of R(K) and R(K∗) with the full Run 1 and 2 data based on lepton #universality
Showing results fully compatible with the #StandardModel
#epfl #cern #LHC #LHCb #universality #standardmodel
Today is #HumanRightsDay2022, marking the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of #HumanRights
In front of the increasing threats by authoritarian regimes we must all join to #StandUp4HumanRights in a League that utterly defends their #universality and indivisibility
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NachoSAmor/status/1601557838165585922
#HumanRightsDay2022 #humanrights #StandUp4HumanRights #universality
"We become aware of the lack that we have in common". "What every society shares today is the environmental catastrophe that it cannot master." "the climate crisis puts us directly in touch with the universal." "The universal" "is the point of absence within every social order," the lack we share, i.e. that which we cannot master, writes McGowan. #vantino #lacan #zizek #universality #climatechange #globalwarming #psychoanalysis #theory #philosophy
#vantino #Lacan #zizek #universality #climatechange #globalwarming #psychoanalysis #theory #philosophy
Not quite Universal Basic Income: the new selectivity
A new blog post. We're seeing, not a commitment to universality, but a new selectivity.
#Socialsecurity #BasicIncome #universality
#SocialSecurity #basicincome #universality
Not quite Universal Basic Income: the new selectivity
UBI is universal when it provides for everyone in a category, without further conditions; basic, when it is only the starting point, and people are free to add income from other sources; income, when it is paid periodically. The Basic Income Earth Network identifies five main points:
1. Periodic—It is paid at regu
#Socialsecurity #BasicIncome #universality
#SocialSecurity #basicincome #universality
無 #mu /# wu
Simplified: 无
Non presence
a race for superiority is never ending. when we run the other way, towards #nothingness, the 無, the wu, we go back to the basics, the zero. at zero, we are one. equality is possible when I am #nothing. this is the principle of #minimalism. a simplification of existence comes from #universality. the radical of 無 is fire. #nondoing is active, not passive. to exist through the subtle is to move out of the gross, into the #intangible.
#zen #mindfulness #intangible #nondoing #universality #minimalism #nothing #nothingness #mu
Hello! As I’m new both to #Mastodon and to the #QOTO instance, I’d like to make my #introductions here.
I’m Dom, a postgraduate researcher studying #CondensedMatter, in particular #SoftMatter, #ActiveMatter, #MolecularBiology, #CellBiology, #PhaseTransitions, and #ComplexSystems using the tools of #TheoreticalPhysics, #BioPhysics, #StatisticalPhysics, #FluidDynamics, #ComputationalPhysics, and #Simulation.
I’m working on a few projects at the moment. One addresses #universality in active #turbulence with #spectral techniques. Another predicts a new microphase separation regime in inhomogeneous active #nematics by simulating the coupled #CahnHilliard, #NavierStokes, and #BerisEdwards equations. In another project I’m developing a #FieldTheory of the #orderphobic effect, a nonspecific interaction between #transmembrane bodies anchored in a #lipid #bilayer.
I’m also interested in…
learning #Korean
#theoreticalphysics #biophysics #navierstokes #libertariansocialism #righttorepair #democracy #openscience #communityempowerment #mastodon #qoto #introductions #condensedmatter #softmatter #activematter #molecularbiology #cellbiology #phasetransitions #complexsystems #statisticalphysics #BerisEdwards #orderphobic #transmembrane #cycling #yoga #calisthenics #autonomy #cooperatives #DeliberativeDemocracy #democraticinnovation #science #fluiddynamics #computationalPhysics #simulation #universality #turbulence #spectral #nematics #CahnHilliard #fieldtheory #lipid #BiLayer #archlinux #linux #libresoftware #korean #singing #citizensassemblies #participatorydemocracy #opendemocracy #humanism #rationalism #community #commons #research #wikis #governance
People say they want enlightenment, #nirvana, we speak of universality, so easily. But to seek enlightenment is to seek to hear and see all the world's pain and to hold it with compassion. We stay in ignorance because it is lighter passage there.
#mindfulness #universality #holding #feeling #knowing #nirvana
The word "relativism" and its derivatives never appear in Escobar's book, not even once.
#epistemology #ontology #universality #relativity #Escobar
#escobar #relativity #universality #ontology #epistemology
"[...] as a pedagogic project, I find #Processing actively uninterested in its own underlying materiality, aspiring instead to a kind of disembodied and bland #universality. Students are encouraged to explore the “world at large” by adding additional layers of #technology in the form of sensors, rather than considering all the ways the technologies they use are already engaged with the world. The project’s “neutral” aesthetics, while dimly echoing a once-radical #Bauhaus #aesthetic, ignore the larger pedagogic program of the historical Bauhaus’s engagement and #experimentation with the materials of its contemporary, technical production."
Welcomed critique (finally!) of Processing, #CaseyReas
#JohnMaeda, Design by Numbers (#DBN) with the perspectives given by the vernacular #ImageMagick and #SeymourPapert #LOGO.
"Torn at the seams: #vernacular approaches to #teaching with #computational tools" by #MichaelMurtaugh in the publication "Vernaculars come to #matter, (re)orienting #language and #technology" by #vvvvvvaria @manetta @ccl and #JulieBoschatThorez
#bricolage #pedagogy
#pedagogy #bricolage #JulieBoschatThorez #vvvvvvaria #language #matter #MichaelMurtaugh #computational #teaching #vernacular #logo #SeymourPapert #imagemagick #DBN #JohnMaeda #CaseyReas #experimentation #aesthetic #bauhaus #technology #universality #processing
#universality that should be grounded on the principle of "general welfare" (allgemeine Wohl) by Hegel.