#UniversalPics needs to step up and let Damien Chazelle finish Black Adam!
#ReleaseTheChazelleCut%0d%0dSupport the WGA and SAG in their strikes against the studios: https://tinyurl.com/3dbk4nt4
#universalpics #releasethechazellecut
If you look at Xavier Dolan's tweets you can totally see the clues: there is an original director's cut of Morbius.
We need to bring pressure on #UniversalPics to #ReleaseTheDolanCut!
#universalpics #releasethedolancut
The Cone Cut is real.
Prepare to see Baahubali: The Conclusion as Stephen Cone intended it to be seen.
Coming in 2024 from #UniversalPics!
#universalpics #releasetheconecut
Man I really wanna see that coffee shop scene that #UniversalPics cut from Three Thousand Years of Longing...
#universalpics #releasethehowardcut
For those who think a longer version of Hellraiser doesn't exist, this picture got leaked yesterday. If we make some noise, they'll release the whole cut.
#releasethereescut #universalpics
We did it! #UniversalPics is finally going to #ReleaseTheCronenbergCut of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure! Look for David Cronenberg's grand vision next month exclusively at That's Rentertainment!
#universalpics #releasethecronenbergcut
For those who think a longer version of Everything Everywhere All at Once doesn't exist, this picture got leaked yesterday. If we make some noise, they'll release the whole cut.
#releasethemillercut #universalpics
Folks I really wanna see that tiger scene that #UniversalPics cut from Jungle Goddess...
#universalpics #releasethedemmecut
The Stolevski Cut is real.
Sign our petition to make #UniversalPics release Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure as Goran Stolevski originally intended.
#universalpics #releasethestolevskicut #restorethestolevskiverse
We are not “Ugandan bots” or “Twitter bots”
We are real fans that actually give a crap about Jaws 19
#releasethesciammacut #universalpics
ANYWAY, we're fast approaching 2024 #UniversalPics. Where's that March of the Penguins announcement ???
#universalpics #releasetheburnscut #comeon
#UniversalPics needs to step up and let Sofia Coppola finish Jack Frost!
#universalpics #releasethecoppolacut
If you look at Satyajit Ray's tweets you can totally see the clues: there is an original director's cut of Tootsie.
We need to bring pressure on #UniversalPics to #ReleaseTheRayCut!
#universalpics #releasetheraycut
Why hasn't #UniversalPics released the original director's cut of Black Adam?
#universalpics #releasethejarmuschcut
I've heard that #UniversalPics is about to release Lexi Alexander's original version of The Horror of Party Beach.
#universalpics #releasethealexandercut
We also want to get Kathryn Bigelow's Elf out to the fandom! THE FANS would truly appreciate it and we believe in #UniversalPics!!!
#universalpics #releasethebigelowcut #restorethebigelowverse
Let Kimberly Peirce's original vision shine #UniversalPics!
#ReleaseThePeirceCut of Happiest Season!
#universalpics #releasethepeircecut
The Hughes Cut is real.
Prepare to see The Sound of Music as John Hughes intended it to be seen.
Coming in 2024 from #UniversalPics!
#universalpics #releasethehughescut
#UniversalPics should be brave and release the Ida Lupino cut of A Christmas Story!
#universalpics #releasethelupinocut
If you look at Rajkuma Hirani's tweets you can totally see the clues: there is an original director's cut of Home Alone.
We need to bring pressure on #UniversalPics to #ReleaseTheHiraniCut!
#universalpics #releasethehiranicut