@scott "Fare-free transit just makes sense" Couldn't agree more.
Also, please remember to provide transportation services for poor, rural communities. Poor rural folk are asked to pay taxes for projects they will never benefit from while living in public service deserts.
#ruralpoor #regressivetaxation #universalservices
Here at the Dept. of Australia we would like to formally apologise for the institutional failures that led to #robodebt. We knew data matching was immoral before we knew it was illegal. And when we found out it was illegal we kept doing it anyway, causing terrible harm.
As the first step in redressing these harms we will immediately #raisetherate to #88aday, as we progress toward a #ubi and high quality #universalservices for all Australians.
We will do better.
#robodebt #raisetherate #88aday #ubi #universalservices
In #TodaysOJ L200 @EUCouncil Decision requesting the @EU_Commission to submit a study on the situation of the #InternalMarket of Union #postalservices, in particular regarding the application of Directive 97/67/EC
Read it ➡️ https://europa.eu/!dqknnn
#todaysOJ #internalmarket #postalservices #universalservices #ECommerce