universal truth & wisdom on how to embody love in this world. a guide for how to speak & act, how to not add to harm, how to hold space & heal.
path & practice.
#TheGoldenRule #UniversalTruth #Love #Embodiment #OpenHeart #Path #Practice #EngagedBuddhism #JinpaLhaga
#thegoldenrule #universaltruth #love #Embodiment #openheart #path #practice #engagedbuddhism #jinpalhaga
universal truth & wisdom on how to embody love in this world. a guide for how to speak & act, how to not add to harm, how to hold space & heal.
path & practice.
#TheGoldenRule #UniversalTruth #Love #Embodiment #OpenHeart #Path #Practice #EngagedBuddhism #JinpaLhaga
#thegoldenrule #universaltruth #love #Embodiment #openheart #path #practice #engagedbuddhism #jinpalhaga