It was nice knowing #universeodon but the chapter has closed am now going to delete the account I am aware I don't need to but I am here now at a new instance and I think this is the one for me smaller not so laggy though I would like our character count to be 1000 characters otherwise good instance to be at. #newhome
no longer in the system of #universeodon according to search. It was awesome when Bryon was running it ever since he left things have been downhill and I am sad. The instance really helped me stay away from #twitter and it worked I haven't reactivated or gotten another account and I am nearing the 10 month mark since I left
Using this account for general stuffs for a bit while #Universeodon gets back up to full speed.
Dang, my #universeodon profile is disintegrating. It’s been slow with messages of server issues but I hope my toots didn’t get lost in the big move. I can’t access anything right now either. Let’s hope for the best and it gets all restored and up to speed.
In response to:
"Well the number of trolling hate based instances has just got too overwhelming for #QOTO to rely entierly on its users to suspend at this point. That said i dont want to force blocks on our user."
"I am prioritizing sone sort of opt-out block system where we as admins can do server wide blocks but users can still opt out..."
Dear Dr. Freemo: I believe that you are doing the correct or right thing, to be sure hate based instances destroy the Mastodon Fediverse. I do not see a lot of hate on my timelines that I am in charge of operating on Mastodon Instances #universeodon @freepresswithoutborders & #QOTO @freepeoplesfreepress , but I am sure that you must be getting bombarded with trolls
Thank You Dr. Freemo for tirelessly working diligently to create a positive environment on QOTO that enhances the whole Mastodon Fediverse.
Sincerely, Monica Andrews
#fediverse #news #qoto #universeodon #socialmedia
Do the celebrities on #Universeodon realize that they're about to effectively leave the Fediverse and rejoin #Facebook unless they migrate to an instance which blocks #InstagramThreads
I know George Takei and Elvira are there.
#universeodon #facebook #instagramthreads
☝️ bad faith reply from a libertarian Byron Miller apologist making my point for me
I've decided to block the #Universeodon domain for myself because the admin Byron Miller is, frankly, an absolute asshole and exactly the kind of tech bro that makes me hate my industry right now. Plenty of bad vibes from this guy BEFORE his backroom dealings with #Facebook .
Feels bad cutting off the many decent folks on universeodon[.]com. I don't have the headspace to wonder what Fediverse fuckery Byron is using his server for or the extra vetting I find myself doing with folks in his orbit.
So... dear People, I may be #Blocking the #Universeodon domain, again. (the Instance's Perspectives rub me wrong). Problem is, these three People are on that instance, and I will miss them:
Also, @georgetakei is there, too; which also really sucks in this sense (see my thoughts on the Japanese-American Internment).
I am not asking anyone to move for my Preferences. But, it would be Really Cool if a #Fork of #Mastodon or #Calckey had the ability to #Block a #Domain but add exceptions. If this exists, then I do not know about it. Anyone?
Thank you!!
#blocking #universeodon #fork #mastodon #calckey #Block #domain
Saying "I wasn’t quiet about any of it." after you signed an NDA is quite some mental gymnastics to justify your actions.
Oh you can try saying the meeting itself wasn't secret, but you signed an NDA. Nothing you say now could possibly be convincing about what happened in that meeting.
How stupid to try bullshitting communities that formed precisely to leave that nonsense behind.
I personally blocked #universeodon before this kicked off. The stink was real.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Upton Sinclair
Yep, I'm limiting #universeodon. way too much spam from them. From gambling scams, to untagged politics, to bible humpers.
I'm so tempted to limit #universeodon. So much untagged politics, so much untagged bible thumping coming from that instance.
#universeodon - We'll be rolling some patches in tonight that may be disruptive for web users for a few minutes. We'll be doing backups, prep work around 7pm CST and patches around 8pm. You may see the dancing Mastodon for a few minutes but otherwise we should be back online.
Thanks for your patience/understanding.
The prep work at 7 is to have a hot database replica ready and backup ready to go so we can also cut over to a faster DB server too. 👍
#universeodon -Transparency report.
🚀 Dear Amazing Universeodon users, we'd like to share a quick update on our commitment to transparency and user privacy.
🛡️ To date, we've received ZERO requests from foreign countries, states, or legal authorities for user data. Your privacy is our top priority!
👏 A BIG thank you to our amazing community for promoting a respectful and responsible online environment! Let's continue to make the internet a better place together.
#ThankYou #MastodonCommunity #GreatNetizens
#TransparencyReport #PrivacyMatters
#universeodon #thankyou #mastodoncommunity #greatnetizens #transparencyreport #privacymatters
#universeodon - quick Monday update - we'll be rolling forward with the "main" mastodon release to incorporate a bunch of fixes, updates and get feedback as quick as possible. There may be a few little burps here and there, but we think you will enjoy some of the quality-of-life improvements coming! :mastodondance: :mastodon:
#universeodon - Doing some maintenance today. Time to reboot some servers for latest OS updates and roll in some patches. Minimal if any downtime (most like you may just need to refresh if you see a partial page load or anything)