I'm digging this supernova asthetic that I ended up creating in #UniverseSandbox
Playing with #UniverseSandbox this morning. Great fun, and educational too, up to the point where you ask it to calculate the effect of Earth being struck by 100 spherical cows travelling at the speed of light. I thought the spherical cows would make the calculations simpler, but it's still too much for either PC or Mac versions.
Created a Eye of Sauron-like object in Universe Sandbox with a planet turned into a star, which is in turned into a black hole with hundreds of burning orbiting objects.
@muttley thanks, had a look at this but it appeared that custom objects weren't supported yet - I might be wrong!
@Lazarou I bet you could approximate it with simulated data from #UniverseSandbox
#UniverseSandbox is about asking questions like:
What would happen if the Sun was suddenly replaced by an extremely luminous star like R136a1?
Earth ends up glowing blue-hot. Very quickly. Bodies as far out as Pluto don't fare much better.
Trying #UniverseSandbox.
It does not seem to account for relativistic effects that would occur around things like black holes, but I'm sure I was expecting too much.
Put Earth in close orbit around a 20-solar-mass black hole and you'll be waiting a while for tidal forces to rip the planet apart.
I want to see what it would take to make a habitable zone around a black hole and its accretion disk, damn it.
It's been a while since I did much #worldbuilding, but here's a picture from #UniverseSandbox of one of the star systems in my #conworld. How else are you supposed to make accurate lunar and solar calendars for your made-up peoples?
(Apologies that it's a bit dark and the details are small – it's hard to capture multiple planets in a single screenshot!)
#conworld #universesandbox #worldbuilding
Here are some #7gamestoknowme ^^
#7gamestoknowme #universesandbox #MirrorsEdge #quake3 #Blockland #minecraft #zenge #GMod
Here are some #7gamestoknowme ^^
(+ #universesandbox because I wanted to mention that too)
#7gamestoknowme #quake3 #pokemonsunandmoon #minecraft #Blockland #zenge #MirrorsEdge #GMod #universesandbox