Tonight's #podcast listening includes:
The Science Show
BBC Global News (x2)
Science Friday
NPR Planet Money
Skeptic's Guide to the Universe
NPR Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
If a Star Has Less Metals, it Might Have a Better Chance to Spark Life
I'm not clear why life in the oceans would be imperilled and the article seems to ignore the fact that free oxygen in the atmosphere, which is necessary to produce ozone, is a result of life and not a precursor to its genesis but hey, an interesting read anyhow. #UniverseToday
Tonight's #podcast listening includes:
Two minute time lord
Lots of doctor who with a bit of history on tap for tonight.
#podcast #universetoday #lazydoctorwho #realitybomb #veritypodcast #revolutionspodcast
#UniverseToday is a webpage with #space and #astronomy news at
Today the mention that #Sierra Space tests for the 3rd time an #Inflatable #SpaceStation module intentionnally to destruct it. Their idea is the inflatable modules would make it cheaper and easier to launch space station modules.
#universetoday #space #astronomy #sierra #inflatable #spacestation
Siblings of the Sun. If there's extra-terrestrial life that's similar to humanity -- someone to talk to in the vastness of the cosmos, perhaps they might call home a solar system almost identical to our own orbiting one of the siblings of the sun. Astronomers Find One of the Sun’s Sibling Stars, Born From the Same Solar Nebula Billions of Years Ago:
#SpaceNews #UniverseToday #uap #ufos #space #cosmos #et #universe #twinofthesun
#spacenews #universetoday #uap #ufos #space #cosmos #et #universe #twinofthesun
Tonight's #podcast listening has a lot of catching up on new dailies/weeklies from today (friday) and yesterday (thursday).
Some Skeptic's Guide to the Universe, some #NPR #Shortwave, @Tindogpodcast, #NoSuchThingAsAFish, This week in science (#TWIS), #UniverseToday, and then eventually I'll get to backlog #DoctorWho #Verity and @RadioFreeSkaro episodes.
I don't think I'll get to any backlog history podcast episodes tonight, but 8 hours (well, 6 hours now) is quite a chunk of time.
#Podcast #npr #shortwave #nosuchthingasafish #twis #universetoday #doctorwho #verity #podcasts #today #tonight
Tonight's podcast listening includes #ABC (australian) #RearVision, #NPR #ShortWave, #UniverseToday, #BBC #MoreOrLess, and then backlog #TheHistoryOfHannibal.
#abc #rearvision #npr #shortwave #universetoday #bbc #moreorless #thehistoryofhannibal #today #tonight
Tonight's #podcast listening includes @astronomycast, #NPR #TheIndicator from #PlanetMoney, #PlanetMoney, and then backlog #UniverseToday and #TheAncientWorld. I *might* get started on #HannibalAndThePunicWars podcast. That'll be either tonight or tomorrow.
#Podcast #npr #theindicator #planetmoney #universetoday #theancientworld #hannibalandthepunicwars
Tonight's #podcast listening consists of @RadioFreeSkaro, #NPR #Shortwave, #WaitWaitDontTellMe (#WWDTM), #TheAncientWorld podcast, and #UniverseToday
#Podcast #npr #shortwave #waitwaitdonttellme #wwdtm #theancientworld #universetoday
Tech star supports a tribute to Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy
Efforts to create a memorial celebrating the legacy of Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played a pointy-eared alien named Spock on “Star Trek,” have shifted to warp speed nearly eight years after his death.
A six-figure contribution from Rich Miner, the co-founder of Android, is en
#UniverseToday #ScienceFiction #Space #StarTrek #Television
#television #startrek #space #sciencefiction #universetoday
Tonight's #podcast listening is a more randomness. On tap i've got #UniverseToday, #OfTheEldestGods, #ThisWeekInScience, #NPR #PlanetMoney, and a lot more.
#Podcast #universetoday #oftheeldestgods #thisweekinscience #npr #planetmoney
just realized i haven't made my nightly #podcast post.
Tonight's #podcasts are a lot of dailies and monthlies that i've been building up. I've got #DoctorWho #RealityBomb, #Verity, #BBCWitnessHistory, #UniverseToday, #NPR #ShortWave, #ConsiderThis, and #PlanetMoney's #TheIndicator.
#Podcast #podcasts #doctorwho #realitybomb #verity #bbcwitnesshistory #universetoday #npr #shortwave #considerthis #planetmoney #theindicator
Let's get back to the #fusion ASAP in 2023! #NuclearFusion #FusionEnergy #Energy #universetoday. com/115411/fusion-energy-always-50-years-away-now-just-5-according-to-lockheed-martin/
#fusion #nuclearfusion #fusionenergy #energy #universetoday
and so begins another night at work. let's see what surprises tonight has in store.
Tonight's #podcast listening includes #UniverseToday, #TheIndicator from #NPR #PlanetMoney, #RadioFreeSkaro, #Revolutions (currently listening to the French Revolution series), and @bhp.
Once I get my daily podcasts done, lots of history on tap.
#Podcast #universetoday #theindicator #npr #planetmoney #radiofreeskaro #revolutions
Fusion breakthrough raises hopes — and questions
For the first time ever, physicists have set off a controlled nuclear fusion reaction that released more energy than what was put into the experiment.
The milestone laser shot took place on Dec. 5 at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Cal
#UniverseToday #Energy #Fusion #Physics #Technology
#technology #physics #fusion #energy #universetoday
"We Have Ignition! Fusion Breakthrough Raises Hopes — and Questions" by Alan Boyle for #UniverseToday:
Tonight's #podcast listening includes #UniverseToday, #NPR #TheIndicator from #PlanetMoney, #RadioFreeSkaro, #2MinuteTimelord, #GallifreyPublicRadio, and #Verity. Lots of #DoctorWho podcasts on deck for tonight I see. (and scrolling through my backlog, looks like it's going to be a week of 7 year old doctor who podcast episodes galore)
#Podcast #universetoday #npr #theindicator #planetmoney #radiofreeskaro #2minutetimelord #gallifreypublicradio #verity #doctorwho
Japanese billionaire reveals his round-the-moon crew
Four years after announcing that he’d lead an around-the-moon mission aboard SpaceX’s Starship spacecraft, Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa has named the eight people he wants to fly with him.
In 2018, Maezawa said he’d fund a mission aimed at letting creative artists on the level of
#UniverseToday #Moon #Space #SpaceX #Starship #YusakuMaezawa
#yusakumaezawa #starship #spacex #space #moon #universetoday
Tiny #Cubesat Will Shine an Infrared 'Flashlight' Into the #Moon's Shadowed #Craters, Searching for #Water Ice - #UniverseToday
"#Lunar #Flashlight is a cubesat about the size of a briefcase, set to launch on December 1 on a #SpaceX #Falcon9 rocket ...
The tiny 14 kg (30 lb) #spacecraft will use near-infrared #lasers and an onboard spectrometer to map the permanently shadowed regions near the Moon’s south pole, where there could be reservoirs of water ice."
#lasers #spacecraft #Falcon9 #spacex #flashlight #lunar #universetoday #water #craters #moon #cubesat
Quantum data gets sent through a simulated wormhole
For the first time, scientists have created a quantum computing experiment for studying the dynamics of wormholes — that is, shortcuts through spacetime that could get around relativity’s cosmic speed limits.
Wormholes are traditionally the stuff of sci
#UniverseToday #Cosmology #Physics #QuantumComputing #QuantumMechanics #Science #Space #Wormholes
#wormholes #space #science #quantummechanics #quantumcomputing #physics #cosmology #universetoday