What's Britain's beef with Euratom?! I really don't understand this Conservative government's objectives. UK #physicists want to remain active in #Euratom (I've not observed a contrary view on this...) because it is better for science, and ultimately better for the UK.
No sign of deal on UK return to EU Horizon science programme
https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/jul/24/no-sign-of-deal-on-uk-return-to-eu-horizon-science-programme?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other #h2020 #horizon #research #science #universitiesuk #brexit
#physicists #euratom #h2020 #horizon #research #science #universitiesuk #brexit
To catch up on the Universities UK Research Culture and Practice Forum this week, see the hashtag #RCPF and these threads from @StephZihms and @Retropz:
#ResearchCulture #UniversitiesUK #AcademicMastodon #HigherEducation
#rcpf #ResearchCulture #universitiesuk #AcademicMastodon #highereducation
Take-home message from the #UUKTackling webinar:
Universities should have clear #OnlineHarassment policies that use the correct terminology, good reporting structures, professionally trained staff at all levels, and embed education/training for students within their curriculum.
#uuktackling #onlineharassment #universitiesuk #highereducation
A whole-university approach to online harassment is needed, says Prof. Emma Bond of the University of Suffolk in the Universities UK 'Tackling violence, harassment and hate incidents' webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6ibo_fWMTyWnzgDRRNDWOA
She highlights the Suffolk/Office for Students Higher Education Online Safeguarding Self-review tool https://issuu.com/uniofsuffolk/docs/he-online-safeguarding-self-review-tool-2022-a
#UUKTackling #OnlineHarassment #Safeguarding #HigherEducation #UniversitiesUK #UniversityOfSuffolk #OnlineSafety #HateCrimes
#uuktackling #onlineharassment #safeguarding #highereducation #universitiesuk #universityofsuffolk #onlinesafety #hatecrimes