My library is hiring for a Head, Natural Sciences and Engineering and Science Librarian position! There's an informational session on Zoom on 4/19. Find out more here: #academiclibraries #academiclibrarian #universitylibraries
#universitylibraries #AcademicLibrarian #academiclibraries
I'm hosting 2 interns in my university #library reference department next semester. I want to make a reading/watching list for them. Does anyone have readings or recordings that they have found particularly helpful for early career reference academic #librarians? Reference, instruction, marketing, scholcomm, privacy, assessment - really anything that a new librarian might find helpful. I'll make the list public. Thanks, all!
#AcademicLibrarian #UniversityLibraries @libraries @librarians
#universitylibraries #AcademicLibrarian #librarians #library
I’m so excited about this project! Been involved as Chair of @CILIPSW but #LibrariesOfSanctuary is a personal passion. So much progress this year with #Librarians from #HealthLibraries, #UniversityLibraries, #PublicLibraries, #FELibraries, #SpecialLibraries Great opportunity! Interested in removing barriers to #Libraries for new arrivals? Are you organised? Capable of managing a project? Want to help embed the concepts of welcome, safety & inclusion? #FixedTerm #Vacancy
#librariesofsanctuary #librarians #healthlibraries #universitylibraries #publiclibraries #felibraries #speciallibraries #libraries #fixedterm #vacancy
"Prices [for Elsevier’s journals package] increase significantly every year for reasons that are unclear.... The pace of such price increases is the natural consequence of a business model that restricts access to research, reinforces inequities in scholarly publishing, and undermines the mission of public research universities to create, share and apply knowledge for the betterment of humankind."
#universitylibraries #scholarlyPublishing #publishing