This week was a bit odd; it was short, and I was not in my office for two of the four days. Next week will be tightly packed w/ meetings and more #collaboration outside of the #UniversityLibrary: I will be at the National Library of Norway's DH Lab on Monday and at the Dept. of Archeology, Conservation and History on Wednesday with #ResearchSupportPartnershipUiO. There are also some news regarding #DHOslo and #DHNBLAM, so stay tuned!
Enjoy the weekend friends –
#friday #collaboration #universitylibrary #researchsupportpartnershipuio #DHOslo #dhnblam
Visited #Pristina today. Made a quick stop at the #UniversityLibrary. That’s some pretty darn cool #architecture they have there! 19 years since I last saw it.
#architecture #universitylibrary #pristina
One of my goals is to get our book into teacher preparation university #libraries. -Given that our book is the only book dedicated to describing how a public school program for students with significant social, emotional, and behavioral challenges should function, it needs to be accessible to people preparing to teach. -Also for people preparing to be school administrators.
book link: https://a.co/fol2ZoI
#universitylibrary #library #teacherprep #schooladministration #TherapeuticInclusionProgram #k12edcuation
#libraries #universitylibrary #library #teacherprep #schooladministration #TherapeuticInclusionProgram #k12edcuation
One of my important goals is to get our book into teacher preparation university #libraries. -Given that our book is the only book dedicated to describing how a public school program for students with significant social, emotional, and behavioral challenges should function, it needs to be accessible to people preparing to teach. -Also for people preparing to be school administrators.
book link: https://a.co/fol2ZoI
#universitylibrary #library #teacherprep #schooladministration #TherapeuticInclusionProgram #k12edcuation
#libraries #universitylibrary #library #teacherprep #schooladministration #TherapeuticInclusionProgram #k12edcuation
One of my important goals is to get our book into teacher preparation university #libraries. -Given that our book is the only book dedicated to describing how a public school program for students with significant social, emotional, and behavioral challenges should function, it needs to be accessible to people preparing to teach. -Also for people preparing to be school administrators.
#universitylibrary #library #teacherprep #schooladministration #TherapeuticInclusionProgram #k12edcuation
#libraries #universitylibrary #library #teacherprep #schooladministration #TherapeuticInclusionProgram #k12edcuation
WHY ARE THEY SO EMPTY ;-; #AcademicLibrary #UniversityLibrary
#academiclibrary #universitylibrary
#introduction time!
I am a @UtrechtUniversiteit musicologist -- graduated on Jachet Berchem (not related afaik...)
I worked at the #universitylibrary, SURF, KNAW-DANS and now at @HuygensInstituut. Work areas: #openaccess, #researchdata and #digitalhumanities.
Parallel I do research, formerly #earlymusic editing (at www.cmme.org), currently a #PhD on #networks and polyphonic settings of the #TeDeumLaudamus in the 16th century Lutheran tradition. Interested in all #digitalmusicology.
#digitalmusicology #TeDeumLaudamus #networks #phd #earlymusic #digitalhumanities #researchdata #openaccess #universitylibrary #introduction
#introduction time!
I am a @UtrechtUniversiteit@mastodon.online musicologist -- graduated on Jachet Berchem (not related afaik...)
I worked at the #universitylibrary, SURF, KNAW-DANS and now at @HuygensInstituut. Work areas: #openaccess, #researchdata and #digitalhumanities.
Parallel I do research, formerly #earlymusic editing (at www.cmme.org), currently a #PhD on #networks and polyphonic settings of the #TeDeumLaudamus in the 16th century Lutheran tradition. Interested in all #digitalmusicology.
#introduction #universitylibrary #openaccess #researchdata #digitalhumanities #earlymusic #phd #networks #TeDeumLaudamus #digitalmusicology