#Oakland, #Calif., Mar. 1942. A large sign reading "I am an #American" placed in the window of a store, at 401 - 403 Eighth and #Franklin streets, on December 8, the day after #PearlHarbor. The store was closed following orders to persons of #Japanese descent to evacuate from certain #WestCoast areas. The owner, a #UniversityofCalifornia graduate, will be housed with hundreds of evacuees in #WarRelocationAuthority centers for the duration of the war
#oakland #calif #american #franklin #pearlharbor #japanese #westcoast #universityofcalifornia #warrelocationauthority
📬 CAPTCHAs: Bots lösen Aufgaben mit erschreckender Genauigkeit
#Internet #Kurznotiert #AndrewSearles #Bots #GeneTsudik #MaschinellesLernen #ShujunLi #Sicherheitsabfragen #Studie #UniversityofCalifornia #UniversityofKent https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/internet/captchas-bots-loesen-aufgaben-mit-erschreckender-genauigkeit-279678.html
#internet #kurznotiert #andrewsearles #bots #genetsudik #maschinelleslernen #shujunli #sicherheitsabfragen #studie #universityofcalifornia #universityofkent
Think you have the diplomacy skills to persuade people whose interests lie with plutocrats rather than the people? If you do, and you're a UC student, apply to be a Student Advocate to the Regents. We could certainly use an effective voice on the inside.
#UCAccessNow #UniversityOfCalifornia
#UCAccessNow #universityofcalifornia
It's really not.
Whipping up more funding for the disability cops just strengthens the policing. They'll have to train all that new (most likely abled) staff and they'll be trained in the same systemic ableism that currently exists.
"Transformative" means TRANSFORM. Diversely disabled people throughout UC must lead an audit of UC to decide the best way to make our public university system highest common denominator of accessible by default & then how best to meet access needs that aren't part of that denominator. #UCAccessNow #Ableism #Disability #UniversityOfCalifornia #HigherEd
#UCAccessNow #ableism #disability #universityofcalifornia #highered
Can anyone point to any ambitiously accessible, aesthetic, affordable student housing at any UC campus that's been built since 2000?
How's progress on UCSB's Dormzilla?
#UCAccessNow #disability #universityofcalifornia #ableism
The University of California Is Escalating Its Crackdown on Dissent
#UCSD #UniversityOfCalifornia #fascism #union #unionbusting #academic #academicworkers
#UCSD #universityofcalifornia #fascism #union #unionbusting #academic #academicworkers
Despite Jon Stewart's flirtations with centrism, his take on the difference between short attention span "cancel" vs what can shame TPTB more effectively seems accurate.
You have to keep a steady pressure on. Power depends on you fatiguing and/or forgetting.
UC President Drake pretended not to know the Demandifesto and said his staff would be on it next day. Do you think that really happened? 🤔
#UCAccessNow #ableism #universityofcalifornia
Blocking one side wasn't enough. Today they blocked both. Pulling aside onto the sidewalk/cycle areas because who UC Davis really prioritizes is abled drivers. #UCAccessNow #UniversityOfCalifornia #CarCentrism
#UCAccessNow #universityofcalifornia #CarCentrism
A veritable smørgåsbord of ableism and car-centrism on the UC Davis campus this morning. Let this photo be representative of many.
Truck parked at end of temporary single-wide ramp (because they refuse to overhaul the building for accessibility) and adjacent to cycle racks, further constricting egress, esp in an emergency.
It's summer now, but this parking happens during the school year as well. #UCAccessNow #UniversityOfCalifornia #CarCentrism
#UCAccessNow #universityofcalifornia #CarCentrism
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Charge fluctuation entropy of Hawking radiation: A replica-free way to find large entropy
Alexey Milekhin, Amirhossein Tajdini
SciPost Phys. 14, 172 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UCSB #AFOSR #SimonsFoundation #universityofcalifornia
by #JuliaMĂ©traux in #MotherJones:
"The primary reason people become unhoused in California is unaffordable housing, including due to loss of income, according to a study released Tuesday. Around a third of the United States’ unhoused population—some 170,000 people—lives in the state."
#unhoused #homeless #homelessness #housing #rent #subsidies #landlords #ChronicallyIll #MentalIllness #health #asthma #children #poverty #LowIncome #accessibility #California #UniversityOfCalifornia
#juliametraux #motherjones #unhoused #homeless #homelessness #housing #rent #subsidies #landlords #chronicallyill #mentalillness #health #asthma #children #poverty #lowincome #accessibility #california #universityofcalifornia
University of California is showcasing a disabled student whose project called for accessibility that isn't an afterthought. After having spent 3 years ignoring the emails, public comment, and protests that urged them to act on the Demandifesto action steps that include pushing for accessibility that isn't a low quality add-on.
UC, as ever, is happy to use disabled students as window dressing for PR, but they keep ableism in place. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/first-gen-students-lead-way-class-2023
#UCAccessNow #Accessibility #Disability #UniversityOfCalifornia
#UCAccessNow #accessibility #disability #universityofcalifornia
If you're ever in Davis, California and a bee enthusiast, the demonstration garden on Bee Biology Road on the campus of the University of California at Davis is a sweet little place. The entomology department also has a cool museum. Be prepared for very warm daytime temperatures if you visit during summer!
#bees #california #universityofcalifornia
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Knots and entanglement
Jin-Long Huang, John McGreevy, Bowen Shi
SciPost Phys. 14, 141 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UCSD #SimonsFoundation #doe #universityofcalifornia
UCGPC is one of the student government bodies for grad students. We could use anti-ableists in these offices. Nominations will be made during the June 3, 2023 council meeting. Self-nomination is also possible through the form provided at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdx5cMoFn2EZYSdsMkf1XIrwn4ajD_RVXVcBlZTOdRd5FvxQA/viewform
#UCAccessNow #disability #universityofcalifornia
InterviewKünstliche Intelligenz: „Das kann zur Gefahr werden“ https://jungefreiheit.de/debatte/interview/2023/kuenstliche-intelligenz-ki-2/ #UniversitätvonKalifornien #UniversityofCalifornia #KünstlicheIntelligenz #ElonMuskOffenerBrief #ElonMuskMoratorium #RamsehSrinivasan #Interview #ChatGPT #KI
#ki #chatgpt #interview #ramsehsrinivasan #elonmuskmoratorium #elonmuskoffenerbrief #kunstlicheintelligenz #universityofcalifornia #universitatvonkalifornien
"Of all the public universities in the country, Cal is the only one with a library dedicated entirely to the study of anthropology. The question is: are they dedicated to keeping it open?"
#UCBerkeley #StudentActivism #LibraryClosure #UniversityOfCalifornia
#ucberkeley #studentactivism #libraryclosure #universityofcalifornia
NYT Architecture : Ann Philbin Has Transformed L.A.’s Hammer Museum, Inside and Out https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/24/arts/design/hammer-museum-ann-philbin-los-angeles.html #UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles #OccidentalPetroleumCorporation #CollectorsandCollections #LosAngeles(Calif) #Hammer,Armand #Architecture #HammerMuseum #Philbin,Ann #Museums #Art
#universityofcalifornia #occidentalpetroleumcorporation #collectorsandcollections #losangeles #hammer #architecture #hammermuseum #philbin #museums #art
The joke about UC is that it's ABC: Always Be Constructing.
This is the way UC *could* be building. For *all* the public that funds it. But it does not.
Watch the video.
#UniversityOfCalifornia #UCAccessNow #Housing #Disability #Accessibility
#universityofcalifornia #UCAccessNow #housing #disability #accessibility